Sporadic Gift (SMUT)

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"So, Kenny's birthday is tomorrow," Nick smirked at me while we were walking through the parking lot, leaving daily's place, "Got any big plans?"

"I have a little surprise for him," I smirked, walking nonchalantly, but Nick and Matt insisted on knowing more.

"Care to tell?" Matt asked curiously and I laughed:

"No! Last time I told the two of you, you spoiled it! Besides, I can't let you two on this one."

"Oh man, you must be pulling out the big guns," Nick chuckled, his comment making me roll my eyes.

"Kenny has a lot of stuff do to sadly, but we'll have our time together and I have a surprise that he'll love. That's all you two need to know," I sighed, not giving it up.

This was something that truly needed to stay between only Kenny and I; And like I mentioned, Nick and Matt are loud mouths. They can't keep a secret to save their lives! We were all pumped for Kenny's birthday, but no ones gift could top mine.

Kenny's busy schedule turned out to be a big benefit. He took care of some things during the day, we went out for a bit so that he could see the guys and some of his friends, during that time, I actually went home so that whenever he came back, I could give him something he definitely wasn't expecting.

"Y/N! I'm home!" I heard Kenny yell from downstairs.

At first, I didn't answer, hurrying to make sure my robe was tied, my hair was still done nicely, making sure my cat eyes looked good too.

"Y/N?" Kenny voice echoed, travelling into our room.

"The one and only," I smiled, coming out of the bathroom.

"There you are! You had me worried for a moment," Kenny chuckled, taking off his suit jacket, buttoning his shirt, then looking down to my robe, "Ready for bed already?"

"Maybe not to sleep," I smirked, "But you're not wrong in a way."

A sly smirk appeared on his face whenever I sat on the bed, Kenny cooing, "Oh I see. I still haven't received one of my presents yet, huh? You were preparing huh?"

Kenny was really jumping the gun quickly, coming at me already with the steam, wanting to go after my robe, but my foot landed on his chest, my heel pushing him back. The curiosity that was building up was easily noticed, Kenny whispering: "Heels? And stockings?"

"Sometimes," I sighed, grabbing him by the tie, switching places with him, "It's best to just be quiet and watch."

The excitement was growing quickly, especially for Kenny, seeing his bulge growing already, taken by surprise a bit when he just noticed the dimmed lights and candles in the room. 

"Remember a conversation we had once? How you were a fan of something, but I wasn't?" I asked, watching Kenny trying to recollect his memory. There was no need for him to respond when I continued, "Well, I took that into consideration and figured that I would give you a gift that no one else can give you."

His eyes dropped right along with my robe and his reaction was priceless when they followed up from my heels, to the black nylon stockings, to the black lace garter and thong, silk straps around my core that literally wrapped me up like a present, bow-ties and all, then those attaching to the light, black lace bra and choker.

Kenny went to speak, but couldn't. He was literally drooling, his erection clearly visible. Finally, he said something when he swallowed a breath, "Now, this is a real gift and I didn't even expect it."

"It may be unexpected," I smirked, getting close, one foot on the bed so that I was towering him a little, "But from your friend down there, I can tell you like it."

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