Ready, Set, Record. (SMUT)

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"Can't believe this shit right now," Matt laughed. covering his mouth during BTE.

Nick and Adam were laughing too, a little surprised by my moaning, listening when they could hear through the wall:

"You're like a god, Kenny. Oh my god!"

Brandon was shaking from laughing so hard, filming Matt yelling:

"Hey, Kenny! The sex god gimmick has already been taken!"

"We've been together a long time! Long before that gimmick! They copied me!" Kenny yelled back, the guys laughing and then it cut into the intro for BTE.

Truly, I was upset that they put that on BTE. I didn't get to watch the latest episode till we were done travelling, making it to the hotel. 

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed, having to rewatch because of my disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Kenny wondered, coming out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you not watch BTE?" I asked and he instantly knew why I was upset, still expressing that verbally, "Did they really have to put that in? I know I was pretty loud, but still!"

"They found it funny, for some reason," Kenny shrugged, admitting, "But I don't mind the world knowing that you moan my name so beautifully. That I am the only man who can get you like that."

Kenny had this sexy smile, licking his lips and the way he stared at me, he was fired up just by his thoughts. It eased me a little, less angry about that skit. At least it was only noise and nothing more. 

"Ain't that the truth," I smiled back, looking up to Kenny when he found me at the end of the bed,  whispering:

"That little skit actually gave me an idea that I'd like your opinion on."

"And that is?" I wondered, feeling my heart pick up a little when that same sexy smile landed with his gaze:

"Remember how we'd send little videos when I was in Japan and was gone for a while until you came over? You know you had your fun with those, but how about one together?"

"You want to make a porno with me?" I giggled, it had been so long since we've done anything like sexting let alone a video.

"Come on," Kenny pouted, leaning down to kiss me, "It'll be so much fun and we can have a nice little video for when we're away, in the mood, just want to have fun."

He was always convincing, giggling against his lips, "Those were a lot of fun."

"Want me to get the camera ready?" He offered, kiss being broken with a nod of my head.

While he was setting up his camera on the dresser that faced the bed, I took off my shorts and top, going for my bra, but when he came to me, ready to jump onto the bed, I fell back and errupted in giggles.

"Kenny! I don't know if I can take this seriously!"

"You sure?" He sighed, pulling me by the ankles down to him, letting his towel fall to the floor, eyes finding the camera, "Look at us. We could be pornstars."

"Me a pornstar? I'm not hot enough for that," I sighed, but Kenny's motivation kicked in, hands go after my panties, smiling to me:

"You definitely could be because if I'm a God, then you are without a doubt, a goddess. All you have to do is act like the camera's not there."

"Kenny-" I laughed only to be silenced by his lips smacking into mine, about ripping my bra off of me, hands rubbing all over me and falling to my knees, spreading my legs wide open for him.

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