The Last Laugh PT. 3

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[You coming over not? I have a big match tonight you know] I sent to Kenny. 

I thought I'd never see the day, but Kenny and I were getting along, getting very close and having true feelings for each other rather than just going at it. 

[Just give me a few minutes. I'll be over] Kenny sent back. 

I had a championship match tonight and Kenny said he wanted to see me before since he couldn't really escort me out himself. 

Since he had to take his time, I patiently waited for him. There was still some things for me to do. I just got out of hair and make up, my gear still needed adjusted, so I just sat in my locker room waiting. 

Kenny didn't take as long as I thought he was going to, quickly turning to my phone when I heard it vibrating consistently. 

"You finally coming over?" I asked, holding my phone up to my ear as I was still fixing my boots. 

"Sure am!" Kenny said cheerfully, "You ready for the night?"

"Always ready," I smirked, sitting up straight.

"You always have been," Kenny cooed, but then there was silence. After a moment, Kenny whispered into the phone, "Hey, give me a second."

Kenny didn't hang up, but it sounded as if he put his phone in his pocket, it was muffled, but I heard Matt. 

"Kenny, we have an interview and some other stuff to take care of. Where are you going?" Matt questioned. 

From the sound of Kenny's voice, he was remaining calm when he sighed, "You guys realize that I am a champion across three different companies, right? The champion is a very busy man."

"Yeah, but we already had this planned dude," Nick groaned, but Kenny didn't budge, explaining:

"A few minute delay isn't going to ruin anything, okay? A few minutes is all I need. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

"You know," Matt said, sounding like a stand off was ready to happen, "I have heard that phrase before and I'm convinced that it's a code word of some sorts."

Kenny scoffed at his comment, groaning, "Where else have you heard that from?"

"Remember when Y/N tried being a bitch again out in the parking lot? Well later that night, we coincidentally ran into her again. She told us that she had business to attend to. Said it just like you did," Matt pointed out, Nick adding:

"And how strange it was that your phone kept going straight to voicemail that night and she also went up to the floor of your hotel room."

Kenny was always good at getting around sticky situations, laughing at them at first, "Aren't the two of you observant!" But then, his voice grew serious when he continued, "Look, you two are just letting mind games get to you. Now, I have business to do. I'm not going to stand here and play into your conspiracies."

After that, the phone hung up. I was on the same page as Kenny. They sure were nosey and it angered him. I could tell by the tone of his voice. 

This week, I got myself a private locker room and no one knew where it was except for Kenny, so I left the door unlocked.

When Kenny entered, he was clearly stressed and I addressed it. 

"I heard everything, Kenny," I informed him. 

Kenny had both hands on his hips, still frustrated, groaning, "They are like brothers to me but damn, they need to mind their business!"

Quickly, I went to Kenny, pulling his face towards me so I could look in his eyes, saying, "What they don't know won't kill them. They are kind of catching on and hell, even if they figure it out! They will prove their loyalty and accept your decisions."

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