Welcome To The Club (SMUT)

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"I hope and pray that the Bullet Club try their shit tonight," Griff Garrison huffed, ready for another fight after the events that took place last week on Dynamite.

Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks and the Good Brothers, reunited as members of the Bullet Club attacking someone who had a big impact on my life, Jon Moxley.

Jon and I, we were dating before, but he left me to 'focus on his career' and just what a coincidence that him and I ended up in AEW. When I joined AEW he did make an effort to try and make things better, he still was, but it didn't feel right.

I felt like I was moving on but at the same time, Jon was always there and it made it hard to keep pushing forward. Dating Jon or not, he was brave and he wasn't backing down from the Bullet Club. 

"Last week," Jon began, standing in the middle of the ring, all of us at ringside watching, "You all decided to have a little family reunion and carried on the family tradition of being cowards, always ganging up on someone! Showing everyone here, all the people watching home, everyone around the world that the Bullet Club has always been a bunch of bitches!"

Jon was fuming with anger, a barb wired baseball bat in his free hand beginning to pace back and forth in the ring as the Bullet Clubs theme song hit, none of them wasting any time to get to the stage.

"Jon, I knew this was going to happen. You have never been able to accept defeat," Kenny began, all of us watching as the Good Brothers went to the left side of the ring, the Young Bucks to the right, "I knew that you come running like a wild dog, ready for a fight. I am a fighting champion, but Jon, you had your chance, you could still be champion, but let's face it, you can't beat me in a real wrestling match!"

Silence fell as the rest of Bullet Club got onto the ring apron, ready to ambush Jon at any given moment.

"You can only beat someone by using weapons, extreme violence. It's the truth and we all know it. This title," Kenny smiled, looking to the championship on his shoulder, "You'll never get your hands on it again, I assure you."

Everyone was ready for a fight, ready to storm the Bullet Club, but then they all saw something they didn't expect.

Gasps and cheers filled the arena as I ran into the ring, at Jon's side. I'm sure they knew of my past, a smile on Jon's face for a moment once he saw me, in stance as we were both ready to fight.

"Get out of here, Y/N. I don't want you getting hurt," Jon said to me, his eyes fixing on Kenny as he entered the ring.

"I'm not going anywhere," I shot back at him quickly, watching Kenny too as he entered the ring.

Before anyone could do anything, I made my way to Kenny, all eyes on us. They all expected me to start a fight right at that moment, but fell to confusion as they heard Kenny laugh, "He doesn't know, does he?"

At that moment, I moved quicker than lightning, taking everyone by surprise as I super-kicked Jon dead in the jaw, making him drop like a ton of bricks. Everyone's jaws were dropped, gasping, hands on top of their heads, some fans completely lose it, the arena erupting with noise as I stood over Jon's body, smiling into the camera as I threw off my jacket, revealing a bullet club shirt.

Until now, no one knew that I was with Kenny. None of this was accidental. Kenny not only wanted me to be his girlfriend but to be a part of the club and there was no other way to reveal it to the world.

"Now," Kenny laughed, wrapping his arm around me, "That's a good super kick. Good job, baby."

I just laughed along with Kenny, the Good Brothers taking Jon by the arms, a smile forming as Matt tapped my hand.

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