The Last Laugh PT. 2 (SMUT)

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"And the band is back together again!" I heard Gallows yelling, followed by cheering.

It was almost like my duty to give Kenny a hard time. I was his arch nemesis and I just had to go see what they were up to now that the Young Bucks, "came to their senses" and rejoiced with Kenny.

I always knew how to put a priceless look on their faces, all of them stopping what they were doing once they saw me heading their way, my women's title shining brightly on my shoulder as I smiled:

"Hello boys!"

"Hey," Gallows sighed, trying to break the awkward silence.

"How amazing is this? Me, the bucks, and Kenny Omega, all of us the champions of AEW!" I smiled brightly, catching them all off guard, "Good hermanos, I expect you two to win back your championships?"

"Of course, girl!" Karl laughed, always putting his pride first; Gallows adding:

"We'll have all the belts before you know it!" 

"I hope so," I sighed, "I think that we can all agree that we are championship material. These girls are becoming too easy for me, to be truthful. Maybe I should pop up in Impact, take the title there too."

"Copycat," Kenny whispered under his breath, instantly triggering me, which I responded with:

"Well at least I'm not so simple minded that I let an old man corrupt me and I didn't need to cheat to win my title."

Literally, Karl, Gallows, Matt, and Nick; All of them were trying to mind their business, gasping at my comment, scared to see this argument escalate. For a change, Kenny didn't have a response, there was just this angry look in his eyes that could be seen through his sunglasses,

"That's what I thought," I laughed, trying to ease the burn as I said, "Don't get me wrong, I know what it's like to be in high pressure situations in a title match. You are a damn good wrestler, the second-best wrestler in the world and the wrestler in first place, well that's me! I am the best damn wrestler in the world."

This time, Kenny did have a response, laughing back at me, taking a few steps closer, titling his glasses down so he could look me in the eyes and say:

"The boys don't know about our last 'fight', but if I recall-" 

Before he finished, he got even closer, whispering to me:

"You were screaming my name like it was the last thing you would ever do. So, who's really the best huh?"

"Of course, you change the subject," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Don't act like you didn't love it," Kenny snickered, walking past me and bumping my shoulder, his boys following him, yelling as he walked away, "See you around, Champ!"

As Kenny walked away, I just looked to the ground, trying to fight off the anger, turning it into laughs, whispering to myself, "Just wait for round two, Kenny."

Throughout the night, a lot of things were going down. The young bucks had their first match as heels, putting on a killer match, even I couldn't critique them. I got to see how my number one contender was doing in competition, really trying their best to come after me. I always observed my opponents to plan my attack, but tonight, I had something else in mind.

Kenny, Nick, Matt, Karl, and Gallows, along with Don, just finished their interview, looking like they walked out of the eighties and again, I felt like it was the time to make my presence known, but specifically wanting to speak with Kenny. 

"Your car is being brought around now, ma'am," One of the drivers informed me.

"Thank you, dear," I smiled, catching Kenny in the corner of my eye, being a smartass as I said, "You know, even I can't deny it. You guys look damn good."

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