Tension and work.

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I tap my fingers against the glass table and stare back at Neon, frowning.


"Neon this isn't the first nor the fifth time you pull this. No." She's pushing me. I can't stand the itch at the back of my brain.

Her smile and fisted hands drop from their pleading manner, and her eyes suddenly become dull as she forces herself to smile in an instant once more. Ah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the look. I lick my lips but quickly control myself.

Me and her bodyguard tense. She's been different since her dad died. Her fortunes have turned darker then ever, and she uses more force then necessary to get anything and everything.

We're both very stubborn, though. If only she knew how to defend herself even a little....

"Sienna, do you value your family?" She says in a small, forced voice as she stares at the golden sapphire katana, the glass door creaking slightly as I hold myself back once more. I bore holes into her head from the glare behind my goggles.

"No." Pretending is easy when its merged with the truth.

Her hand twitches, and my eyes shift to her bodyguard with the blonde hair, and I try to convey the message.

His eyes harden, and he glares ever so slightly at me, but I just frown, looking back at Neon.

"No, I do not value my family. Nor this shop. Not even the katana. Especially not you. But what I do value, are morals and rules. And at this moment you're breaking both. Please leave or I'll have you arrested for tresp-"

"You know I always get what I want right?" She said, looking up at me with a close eyed smile a bit too happy for this moment.

"I don't really care. But I'll tell you this, I'll never sell to the likes of you ever again. The Ruby Red editions are all gone. This is here because it is being cleaned and the owner will be here in a few moments. Leave."

Can a human survive without a jaw?

She grits her teeth, rage filling her eyes as she slams her fist on the glass and turns, the bells in her hair jingling away as they both leave.

I thought I heard chains too.
"Stolen Steel Co., We make your weapons worth wielding how may I help you?" I flip through my booklet of receipts and check orders online, answering the phone with my Bluetooth with a slight sigh. Twenty-four hour Tuesday really is a hassle.

I hear a deep chuckle, and my brow furrows, "Oh? So its true you're open even now, hm?"

I feel uneasy.

"N-number four. I...Ye-Yes we are open twenty four hours on Tuesday and Thursday." I mumble, fiddling with the pen in my hands.

"You know I'm not really number four, Sienna. You're just refusing to say my name again, aren't you?"

I always hated how he would purr my name, or anyone under the age of fifteen, really. I feel my stomach get queasy.

"Y-YOUR ORDER OF FLEX-STEEL CARDS WILL HE HERE ON SUNDAY A-AND REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN UNBIND THE LAMINATED PACK WITH NEN-HAVE A GOOD DAY-" I suddenly blurt out, my hands scrambling to look for the form as I end the call because he understands all too well. I'm glad the thick line of perverse and circumstances I just can't help separate us.

As soon as I end the call, the door opens to the bodyguard from before, only this time he seems...

"Ah, you're....?"

"Kurapika." He says curtly, and I take off my goggles, eyeing him for a moment.

Ready. As if to fight me. I'm interested. I feel my heart thump a bit faster, but only for a moment. Anticipation.

I sigh, today has been too many close calls. "Well, that definetly rings a bell. What can I do for you, chain user?" I reply, clearing off the glass top and exiting out of the computer next to it, standing up.

He took two Bokken swords from his back, placed them in front of me and adjusted his suit, speaking as I put my goggles back on, expecting sheathed blades. I need to control this side of myself more.

"The left blade is chipped and scratched, and the right has started to brittle and rust."

"Well I'll have to replace the right one, I recommend the surgical steel blades here, but... I tell you what, since I know you're a black list hunter I'll switch out the other one for free and throw in some snake wood handles and sheaths for half price." I say, unsheathing the blades and examining them carefully opening a drawer and pulling out the blades in their plastic envelopes and setting them out for him to see. I'm still human.

I watch as he opens them, looking them over, and I hear them again, the sound of chains. "Quite a deal you're giving me for someone who isn't even sixteen. What's the catch?" He finally says, staring down at me.

I get down from my chair after I grabbed the keys to the handles in the back, and look at him.

"You tell me what information you're here for and maybe I won't kick you out for that aura of yours." I say simply.

I hear a huff and after a moment-ever so quietly- "The phantom troupe."
I come back to him with the wood, explaining that the replacement will be done tomorrow since it is One A.M and that I must close up the shop. I ring his order up. We agree to go talk at a new coffee shop down the street now, since he's here and I just need my laptop.

We both order green tea and decide to split the bill. I stare at him for a moment as we sip away and my laptop powers up. I feel much better once I know I can go home and sleep.

Once I start typing up the email of their location, new members, newest ties, and the condition of Chrollo's heart Kurapika started the payment transfer from his hunter license over to my personal account without a second thought.

I hesitate before sending it. "Kurapika...you know how our web of information works, right? I can't stress how dangerous this really is. I now have the right to get this information from you at some point too. Your payment prolongs the need though, but..I-I mean..."

"I know." He says, "Please, I need the information. I'm sure I can cut down anyone who ever asks for this information about me, anyways." He adds under his breath with another drink from his tea as I press send, hearing chains jingle once more.

The Fog and The Red Rain [A HunterxHunter fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now