[A/N okay. So I couldn't take Netero being dead. He's Netero. So, in this story he's alive, perfectly healthy. Though he didn't lose any limbs... except his legs that are now metal contraptions of death and kicks harder then a ostrich. (Look up how hard they can kick man. B-R-U-T-A-L.). That, and Gon does have his nen. A gift from Alluka for his birthday, healing his nen pours completely.]
Gon and Killua, thankfully let my comments slide, Gon only giving me a huge smile before turning away once the blimp was closer to us.
The blimp once we boarded, was actually quite nice. It was much bigger on the inside, and all the examinees were left in shock.
We met a cute little frog man named Beans, and the one and only, Netero.
It was actually quite an honour to be approached by him even before his speech.
That is, before I realized he was talking to Killua and Gon...
"Oho, you two have grown." He smiles, and I can't believe this old man survived going up against the king of the Chimera ants.
Killua smirks and looks away, His hands in his pockets. "I don't need to hear that from you, old man." He jokes.
Gon and Netero laugh, and I chuckle softly, gazing out the window. I didn't know they were all buddy buddy, but that just shows again, how strong these two are.
Which begs the question, why did they just open their arms to me?
"Ah, and who might this be?"
I snap out of my thoughts as Killua elbows me, and I look back at Netero, my head now filled with questions.
"Sienna Haze. Part-Founder of the Stolen Steel company. Its an honor to meet you, sir." I finish, looking up at the old man with strong eyes. He's the man that cheated death and brought the end of On. He left every hunter and news channel baffled by his return, right in the middle of an election for a new chairman.
He's the one who assigned the team of Hunters to kill every species of Vellum on the surface of this world.
He laughes openly, "Sienna Haze... Well, its also an honor to meet someone from the company that got me my new legs."
"EH!? YOU MADE NETERO'S LEGS!?" Killua and Gon ask, facing me at the exact same time.
I flinch back, grinding my teeth, "No, guys. I was way too young. I helped kill the magical beast in Spain that would keep the metal light weight. I hope they work well."
I black out from hearing as I feel it. The shift. Its ever so slight, and I feel my shoulders stiffen.
"Well actually....I haven't gotten a chance to try these out yet. What about a game?"
Gon immediately jumps at the opportunity, amusing Netero.
"Sure! Right, Killua? What about you Sienna? Maybe we'll finally get the ball with all three of us!" He jumps around, and my brow furrows.
"Well...sure. Why not. I haven't really gotten beaten in a while." I murmur, shrugging.
"Okay." Killua simply shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips.
_______________________I wipe the sweat from my face, careful to avoid the space around Killua and the crackle of electricity. Netero was actually pleased we were giving him such a hard time.
"Killua, how long does your Godspeed last?" I whisper, panting.
"Until all the electricity in my body is gone. On average 4.5 hours." He replies, catching a glance at Gon who was taking a break.
"Well let's hurry this up." I sigh, closing my eyes.
I relax my body,from shoulders to spine to the tips of my fingers and so on. I can hear everyone is silent,waiting. Curious.
"Eyes of prey." I breathe, feeling the hyper awareness from this ability.
First my voice leaves.
Then my sense of touch.
Then my hearing.
My hands feel twitchy.I walk around Netero and eye the ball. I will get it.
"W-whoa! Her eyes are so pretty!" I see Gon say, my eyes automatically reading his lips. I continue to waltz around him, noticing how Netero's smile grows.
"The eyes of prey, before known as the eyes of God." He muses. His jaw makes what he's saying obvious, even as I'm behind him.
Killua and Gon turn to me, surprised.
"Advanced form of gyo, mind reading, x-ray, heat signature, hypnotic vision, hyper awareness, able to even predict possible out comes and openings in your opponent by playing everything in their line of sight slowly....I thought Sienna rang a bell." He chuckled.
My eyes narrow, and I finally see the opening. I receed these odd eyes and come at Netero full force along with Killua.
We're blurs barely scraping by, and finally I catch the ball and kick it out of his hand with the tip of my shoe.
Its launched behind us, everyone going for it as if they needed it to breathe.
Me and Killua are side by side, Gon running to our right to catch it. A gush of wind and dirt pushes us forward then back, and I grit my teeth.
Netero is smiling, holding the ball once again, and I can smell the smoke from the dent he left in the floor.
I frown. Backing up as Killua and Gon does the same on different sides of the circular room.
"The price is if used for too long the brain might even forget to circulate blood or breathe. Ironic, eh?" Netero chuckles, and we all charge again.
He twirls around us, over us, through us, and we all almost end up slamming into each others faces. Killua and Gon flip themselves just as I skid to a halting burn and end up back to back with them, slightly tired.
I feel the buzz of electricity from Killua as we split away, making me charge Netero from the front.
He side steps last second, and so I end up with my left foot parallel to the wall, my right knee taking almost non of the hit.
My ankle burns as I launch myself back a little too far, and my head slams against the ceiling. I fall with a yelp, the plan forming in my head as I land in front of Netero.
Gon rushes to my side, Killua taking a break and pacing in agitation.
I give Gon a look, and he seems to understand even before he speaks, a smile on his lips.
"Are you okay Sienna?"
I suddenly bring my foot up as I flip back, sending the ball flying to our right. Off angle. The ball comes flying back between Gon and Netero, but Killua suddenly surges over and in the blink of an eye has the ball.
"I'm alright." I reply, grinning from our victory.

The Fog and The Red Rain [A HunterxHunter fan fic]
Fanfiction(Our world AU) Sienna Haze never killed anyone. Really, she swears on her mothers blade. Her family was owners of the Stolen Steel company- specializing in odd weapons around the world. At eight years old, she's bitten by a rare magical beast that i...