Chapter Eight

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What is that noise?


It takes me a second to realize that the noise is the pounding in the back of my head. I groggily open my eyes, but quickly close them as the harsh sunlight shines in my eyes. I turn my back towards the sunlight and groan in pain.

What happened?

I bring my hand up to massage my temples but something refrains my arm from doing so.

I groan again as if just noticing the pain that is blossoming in my back as well as my head. I take a deep breath and slowly open my eyes. I blink a couple times to readjust to the sunlight.

A foul stench reaches my nose and it was then that I noticed where I was. I looked around, I was in a cell. Grey cement flooring, and brick walls in which the grey paint was chipping off. The small barred window the light shines down right onto my face.

"You," a voice hissed from my right. My head admittedly snapped in the direction of the voice. I don't answer him, for my head was in daze.

Did my mate put me here? What did I do?

Tears spring to my eyes and a lump forms in my throat. There has to be some sort of mista-

"Are you even listening to me?" The person next to me whispers harshly. I stare at him with tears in my eyes. I cannot see his face because the shadows hide his face. I can only see certain features, such as his mouth and his dirty blonde hair.

"I see you're awake," Chills rake my spine. I know who that voice belongs to. The voice that belongs to the man that put me down here.

"Wh-why am I down here?" I ask in a meek voice.

"Don't act like you don't know," He walks down the stairs and starts walking towards my cell, the whole time not breaking eye contact with me. He is walking ever so slowly, like he is a predator and I of course, his prey. I start shaking, this is it. I am going to die.

I am sorry mamma, I am sorry papa for I have failed you.

When he steps in in front of my cell I divert my eyes onto the chains that are binding my hands together. I bring my legs up and tuck my head in between my knees. Tears start streaming down my face.

"I-I don't kn-know what you're talking about," I stutter out.

I hear a creak, and I can only assume he is opening the cell door. I can feel his burning glare focused on me. If it was even possible, I shake even more.

"Pl-please don't hurt me," I beg pathetically.

"Oh I am not going to hurt you, " He coos, his voice is right in front of me, and I can feel his warm minty breath on my face.

I peel my head up from my knees and look at him with teary eyes. He has a sincere smile on his face but an evil glint in his eyes.

"What?" I ask cautiously, my voice shaky.

He starts to lean in.

I try to lean my head back, but his hand quickly comes up and grabs my hair.

He yanks my hair to pull my head back, a shriek escapes my lips and I struggle.

Xander leans in even closer. He brushes his noise against my cheeks and whispers in my ear.

My face goes pale at his words, and his words keep repeating over and over again in my mind like a broken track.

'I am going to do more than hurt you, Arabella.'


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Thanks foe reading!

And I'd like to apologize for my late update! I couldn't find my charger so I couldn't write :/

I will be updating in a few days to make up for my late update!

thank you!!

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