Chapter Fourteen

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What does he been? Of course I know my parents, I mean they may have not been around as much when I was just a pup but I still love them.

I was too deep in thought to notice Xander has stalked over to me. Xander now stands in front of me and is blocking my view from my parents.

"Oh, they did not inform you of their antics?" Xander asks tauntingly. His black hair falls in front of his dead eyes. He is like a fallen angel. But Xander could never love, he is a monster.

I try to block his voice out and ignore him, the lies he shall spit next will poison my ears. I stare blankly at him. The world is not a wonderful place I had once thought it had been, the man who stands in front of me, the man I am supposed to love, my mate has ruined everything I had once had or thought.

"I guess I will have to tell you," Xander sighs mockingly, "Where should I start? Should I start with your parents? Or can you even call them that?"

That got my attention. What does he mean, 'and you even call them that?

I assume Xander read my facial expression because he takes a step towards me and whispers, "Sweet innocent Arabella, you are all alone in this world. No one loves you, and no one will ever love you."

My blue eyes tear, no that's not true! Xander is just trying to break me, but I shall never break, for I am strong. Just like what mama taught me to be, brave and strong, and to never to trust anybody. She is right, I need to be all of those qualities for her. I can do this, for my parents and those who died in the hands my mate.

I see Xander give a nod to his beta out of the corner of my eye, signaling the beta to join the circle that is crowded around us.

I feel the hands that are clenched around my biceps fall off. I feel relieved for a few seconds but I am harshly pulled up against my mate. He grabs a fist full of my hair with one hand, and with the other arm he puts me in a head lock.

He then turns his body so we are facing my parents. I begin to scratch at his arm, trying to break free from his grasp in which seems impossible. A deep growl rumbles in his throat and his arm travels up further on my throat making it difficult to breathe. I gasp but stop struggling, knowing it would only make the situation worse.

I look away from my parents, hating for them to see me like this. They do not deserve this, how could I be so idiotic to lead Xander right to them?

"Look at them Arabella," Xander demands.

"No," I whisper, "I cannot bear to see the pain I have put them through."

"If you do not look at them-" Xander's threat was cut off by my father speaking.

"Arabella look at me," My father speaks in a soft tone, as if he was trying not to frighten me. I bring my teary eyes to my father and I want to weep at the sight of him. He looks so broken, he always loved his pride and protected his dignity but it is like that was stripped away from him. Now he is just a man who accepts defeat, I can tell he thinks he deserves it. "Arabella I just want to tell you that your mother and I love you very much and-"

"That's enough!" Xander roars, "You do not even get to call her your daughter. You two do not even deserve to love after what you have done for me. All my life I have been searching for the two people who single handily ruined my life. Not just my life, everyone's lives. I may be a cruel, stone-hearted monster, but you two are ten times worse."

The forest is deadly silent. My father did not look down at the ground after Xander's outburst. He did the least thing I expected him to do. He just smiled, a twisted smile straight at Xander. This makes me confused, why would he be smiling?

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