Chapter Ten

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A gasp escapes my mouth and tears form in my eyes. I struggle to find words to say, anything to say. I stare up at him with my mouth agape.

I lick my parched lips and try to run over what he just said. My parents, he knows where they are! I try not to give myself too much help for he has easily crushed my hope more than once. I will not  give him the satisfaction of breaking me even more.

Making my facial features are blank and say in the most monotone voice I could muster, "Where?"

My voice comes out raspy and rough and I can't help but to cringe.

It feels like an eternity until he decides to speak. He begins to stealthily stalk over to my petite frame curled up on the ground. Xander twirls the knife around his fingers and smirks evilly at me.

"I could tell you," He begins. Xander crouches drown next to me and looks at me dead in the eyes. I couldn't bring myself to look up at him, except my eyes were trained on the knife he is currently twirling around his fingers. That knife is bigger then the one from yesterday, sharper, can inflict more pain. My eyes follow the knife as Xander drags the knife ever so slowly down his rough palm. He then brings the now bloody knife to his mouth, his tongue gradually licks from the bottom of the knife to the sharp tip. I swallow the dry lump in my throat. "But then I could not."

Xander stands up from his crouch and walks around me in a circle, examining me. I try to cry, but nothing comes out. Instead my breaths come out in short pants, as if I just ran a marathon.

"Please, Xander. Please. I need to know what happened to them," I beg pathetically and peer up at him from under my wet lashes. I look for a change in emotion, anything to show he cares just a little about me. Instead his smirk gets wider.

"They are fine," Xander starts. Before I can even get a breath of relief Xavier continues, "For now."

My eyes pop out of my head. Is he going to hurt them? He sees my reaction and laughs.

"Oh don't worry about me hurting them," He begins, "Don't get me wrong, I would love to inflict pain on them. But that's only if I get to them first."

My mate crouches down next to me, once again. He lightly drags the knife across the exposed parts on my stomach. The cool metal makes me shiver from the cold and fear.

"Now I know that you're parents haven't told you anything," He begins, "But what I do know is that they would come to me if I happened to have you."

I stare at him in horror and astonishment. He wants me to be bait and lure my parents here?! That is absurd!

I begin to shake my head while mumbling 'no' over and over again.

"I knew you were going to say that," Xander says. Suddenly the knife stops dragging against my skin and I feel excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. gasp and wheeze. He twists his knife around then pulls it out. "You see bitch, you don't have a choice."

He turns around and starts walking to the cell door to make his exit.

"Wh-what do you want from them?" I wheeze out and start coughing. I bring my hand to my wound to try to stop the bleeding and rest my head on the cool concrete but at the same time look at my mate's back with hatred.

He stops in place at the sound of my voice. His hand on the door ready to slam it closed.



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Sorry for the short chapter in chapter nine!

And sorry for the late update! I had a lot of homework and studying:(

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