Chapter 28

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This chapter is a long one!

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I was awake bright and early, in fact, I did not even shut my eyes. Tiredness bites at my eyes but I will not give in due to the many putrid thoughts that roam my head. My legs are tucked into my chest with my arms wrapped around them. I sit at the window sill staring out amongst the trees. The leaves rustle every so often with the breeze of the wind. The dark circles under my eyes are darker than the rich soil that sits only one story underneath my window. There lays my freedom, taunting me, just like Xander's words.

More than you think

Xander's words, once again, has left me in utter confusion. I have yet to come to a conclusion on what those words mean. I'm not dumb, I know in order for him to say that he must feel something towards me. 

Just thinking of him makes me think back to the stories I heard about him growing up. He became alpha at just sixteen years old, the youngest alpha around America. Most alphas do not take the position until they can beat the current alpha of the pack, their fathers, and that usually happens around the age of twenty five. In Xander's case, he had to challenge all the males in his pack, proving he was the most suitable for the alpha positon. All the females in my pack talked about how strong he must have been to defeat all the males, but they did not forget to mention how deviously handsome he was, with his midnight black hair and his green eyes. They talked about how they could tame his wild inner beast. The beast that had to claw his way to the top of the pack after his parents went missing.

The beast that was known to rip anyone's heart out if they dared to disobey him. The beast that had blood on his claws at the age of fifteen. The beast that the teenage females of my pack loved to gossip about. The beast that ended up to be my mate.

Of course we were only dumb teenagers, we knew not even the slightest information besides of what we over heard from our parent's gossiping. We were scared of him, no doubt, but no one had the guts to admit it to each other. We knew that if we were to actually see him, that he would be the last thing we saw.

A soft smile dances across my face as I think of the past, and how the fellow females in our grade thought they had a chance with him. We were young when he became alpha, we were only in the sixth grade. We knew he was a beast, but I didn't know he was a savage monster.

"Ahem," my thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of somebody's throat. My eyes shoot over to the door in which the beta stands, looking at me with his hard brown eyes. The beta, Damon, leans on the door frame wearing a pair of jeans and a tight sky blue shirt that outlines his muscles. My eyes skim over his buzz cut hair and down to his neck, in which he bares no mark. 

"Alpha Xander wants you to meet him for lunch at twelve in his office," He states monotone, and he turns around to leave.

"Wait," I say, quickly regretting my decision to speak. I unhook my arms from my legs and turn my body to face him. He stops and turns around,  his eyes shooting daggers at me. I swallow the lump in my throat, wanting to extend my neck in a sign of submission but I don't let myself. I then look him in the eyes and ask him the question that I have been wondering since I first met him. "Why do you hate me?"

"Why do you care?" He growlingly retorts. Damon turns around and walks out the door into the hallway.

I am quick to get up and stalk him out into the hallways. I see him to the right outside my room, walking past doors to get to the stairs that lead upstairs to the Alpha's office and room. I jog to catch up to him and go to grab his wrists. Before I can go to grab his wrist to stop him, he turns around and pushes me up against the wall. His forearm is pressed against my neck and his other arm pressed against my stomach, restricting any movement. Damon does not apply any pressure to my neck, but the look in his darkening brown eyes let me know that if I make any movement, that he would not hesitate to cut off my air supply.

He then hisses at me, "What."

He is so close to me, his warm minty breath fans across my face.

"You did not give me a good enough answer," I state, "I did nothing to you. Why do you hate me so much?"

Annoyance grows in his eyes, "Because I was ordered to."

He then drops his arm and walks away, leaving me angry and confused mess to walk back to my room.


Noon came by fast and I soon found myself dreadfully ascending the stairs to reach Xander's office. After the incident last night, I have no desire to see him anytime soon.

I raise my hand to knock on the large oak door but a 'come in' was said my way. I slowly turn the golden knob and let myself in. I stand in front of his desk, waiting for instruction while he is indulged in his paper work. I twiddle with the sleeve of my oversized sweatshirt that comes down to mid thigh over my black leggings. I make sure not to look at him, finding more interest in the book shelves behind his desk, or the velvet chairs that sit in front of his desk.

"Arabella?" Xander looks up at me with his green eyes almost black, his wolf wanting to come out. It looks as if he is holding back a growl. He stares at me hard, waiting for a response.

I swallow, my throat dry, "Yes Alpha?"

He slams his hands on his desk standing up walking over to me. He comes close to me, letting the sparks fly as our bodies nearly touch.

He leans in to my ear and spits out, "Why does my mate smell of another male wolf?"



Thank you for reading! Next update will either be Monday at latest, or sometime later this week if I have time!

My update days are Mondays and Wednesdays! Or if I can any other day during the week!

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