Chapter Sixteen

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I stare up at the blank ceiling.


The ceiling is blank, equivalent to what I feel right now. Nothing.

I should be sobbing, screaming, or even cursing the Moon Goddess to give me such fate. I just got claimed, I should be jumping for joy, I should be calling my mother and or my best friend so we could celebrate together. But I am not.

I couldn't even jump if I wanted to. My hands are tied above me in cuffs, one on each side of the bed. The cuffs hang on the wooden bed posts that only stand about a foot above the bed. My feet are cuffed to the bed posts at the end of the bed.

Xander was right, I am most literally stuck with him forever. His words ring through my head, bringing up awful memories of this place.

I woke up in the same room as last time. The same badge blankets, the same coffee colored walls, the same white ceiling, the same place.

I gaze upon that white ceiling questioning myself, all the questions begin with one word. The questions that have been running through my head since Xander has taken me from my pack. Why?

Why did he mark me if he does not want me?

Why did they act like they cared?

And the most important one: why me?

The door bursts open but I do not even flinch. I keep my head towards the ceiling already knowing who has come into the room by the intoxicating smell.

I wish that I could say he smelt of rubbish, but I would be lying. He smelt of woods and cinnamon. His smell got more present since he marked me. My mark tingles since my mate is close.

I hear footsteps come over to the bed and Xander now stands over me, blocking the line of sight to the ceiling.

I wish I felt fear, but I don't, I don't feel anything. I look at him in the eyes, he took the last thing I had left. Hope.

His piercing green eyes look the least bit sorry, look the least bit anything actually. He holds a blank hard stare that matches mine.

We stare at each other for a couple minutes, both not saying anything. Why would he come in here if he has no purpose? So I muster up the courage to ask him the question that I have been pondering for a while.

I whisper, "Why?"

It was barley audible, but I know he heard me.

His eyes get a evil glint to them but he does not say anything. Instead, he leans over to the hand cuffs and takes his key out. He unchains both my wrists and I am quick to rub them. I did not rub them from the pain of the cuffs digging into me, but because of the tingles I felt when he touched them. I rubbed them like I was rubbing the feeling of him off of me. Like he is poison, in which a way he is. For he has poisoned my heart and the way I now see the world.

When my chains are off he grabs my upper bicep, hard. Tingles shoot down my arm and I peer my bright blue eyes up to him to see if it effects him in any way. He does not even flinch.

He yanks me off the bed and towards the door. I stumble around but I finally catch my footing as he pulls me out the door into the never ending hallway.

I struggle to see where we are going but his big muscular back is in the way.

Eventually we reach our destination.

The dungeon.

My face goes pale, and the familiar feeling of fear creeps up my spine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I try to pull away from him. He tightens his grip even more, cutting the circulation off to my arm.

He yanks open the door and we step in. The musty smell hits me and I almost gag, I would never forget this place, and the events that have happened in this place.

Before we go down the concrete steps, he turns to me. He looks me in the eyes, a serious look on his face.

"I'm sorry," He states. Xander looks at me in the eyes letting me know this is a genuine apology. I look at him with confusion, sorry for what? He does not give me time to ponder this because he flips back around and drags me down the stairs.

We walk past about ten cells before we stop in front of a steel door. He uses his hand that is not gripping me to type in the passcode that hangs next to the door.

The door slides open and we step in. The door slides back when we step through, the only way out is if Xander types the passcode in.

I gulp and look around the room. The room holds no windows, has grey floors, and a grey ceiling. The floors are splattered and stained with blood, old and new.

Torture devices hang onto the far wall. A silver whip, another whip with glass shards on the end, multiple knifes, all different sizes.

It takes me a couple seconds to notice people on the floor. The people on the floor are the ones who I once believed were my parents. They are lumps on the ground, chains hung loosely around their feet and arms. They are all bloody and battered, I could barely tell it was them. They pick their heads up to see me, fear written on their facial expressions when they move their eyes to Xander.

They move their eyes to me, with even more fear. Why are they scared of me? I should be the ones scared of them.

All of the sudden a sharp pain erupts in my side and I fall to the ground in a heap. I gasp and my eyes water. I gasp for breath and I put my hands on my side to attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Arabella!" They cough out.

Through my watery eyes I see them try to move towards me but their chains restrict them from doing so.

Xander sinisterly smirks at them, and then at me. I squeeze my eyes shut, and that is when I realize.

They weren't scared of me, but for me.



Thanks for reading! I just want to thank all of you for getting me up to one million views and lots of votes! I made my sister cry she was so proud of me! I just wanted to thank all of you so much!
And before I forget, you readers will find out what's the deal with Arabella's parents in the next chapter and why they were scared for her!

I also wanted to let you readers know that I will try to update more frequently and since I do not want to leave you readers hanging I will try updating tomorrow!

Thank you so much,


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