Chapter Thirteen(continuation to chaper twelve)

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I slowly peel my eyes open, and stare up into Xander's eyes with curiosity and fear. But I do not dare to speak the one question running through my head; what did my parents do?

I peel my gaze away from Xander and turn my stare onto my parents. My parents are slouched in the men's arms that are withdrawing them from freedom. Their heads are turned towards the forest floor and do their best to avoid my gaze.

I notice Xander give a nod to the men out of the corner of my eye, like he is motioning them to come forward.

The men nod in acknowledgement and begin to drag them towards us. One man is gripping my mother's left arm, and one man is gripping my mother's right arm. The same with my father. It is as if they take a lot of restraining, as if they are criminals.

I keep my eyes trained on my parents slumped figures until they reach us.

"Go ahead Arabella. Ask your parents what they did," Xander's voice makes me snap my eyes to him. His evil green eyes glinting sinisterly, and his perfect mouth pulled up into a smirk.

I should know better then to ignore him, but I am terrified of what the outcome to this question is. I bring my stare back to my parents, almost in a pleading way. They have to tell him he's got the wrong people, my parents would never do anything harmful towards anyone. I know for Xander to feel to feel such a strong passion of hate towards them he must ponder that my parents did something awful.

"Fine Arabella, since you will not ask I guess I'll have to," Xander says in mock disappointment, "So Rachel, Matthew... Long time no see, eh?"

He knows my parent's names? I bring my stare up to see what is going on. Xander stands in front of my parents as he mocks them. As for me and the Beta, we are a little off to the side, watching. I hate watching as mockery and shame is fallen upon my parents, because I know that is what Xander plans to do. Xander does not play to get even, he plays to win. And unfortunately my parents and I are stuck in the mist of this game. A game of life.

Xander then nods to the guards and the men walk away from the scene, joining the circle of Xander's men that has crowded around us.

Xander then begins to stalk around my parents forms in which are now on their knees. I have never seen my parents so vulnerable, so weak and my hatred grows for Xander for making them feel this way.

"So care to tell us why you are here today, Rachel?" Xander mocks, he then grabs a fist full of her hair. He stands behind her and forces her eye to meet mine.

Her face is swollen with tears and her eyes are puffy from crying. This time she doesn't avoid my stare, but instead looks straight into it.

"I am so sorry, Arabella," she whispers while looking me dead in the eyes.

I stare back at her confused, what is she sorry for?

Xander then shoves her to the ground. A gasp escapes my lips and my mother stays silent. She doesn't get up, as if she believes she deserves this kind of fate.

"Stop!" I screech out, "Don't hurt them!" Tears run down my face from thinking of all the possible things he can do to them.

"Oh Arabella, I'm just giving them what they deserve," Xander cackles.

I struggle to break free from the Beta's tight grasp. "They don't deserve anything! Please just let us go!"

"What goes around comes around Arabella. And what they did to me, I am going to do twice as worse."

"What-what do you mean?" I choke out, tears are streaming down my face and I struggle to brake free.

My mate looks at me with evil and amusement in his eyes. "Oh Arabella... How well did you really know your parents?"


Hi everyone! I noticed that everyone is complaining about how the chapters are so short and how this is the same cliffhanger. This chapter took me about and hour to do or more and I would really appreciate it if you readers are more gracious. I in matter of fact do know what the parents did and have the whole story planned out so please do not question my antics. I am planning to write later this week and that chapter will explain what the parents have done and will be really long. That is why I did not tell you readers in this chapter because you readers will find out later this week.

It has also come to my attention how some of you readers are saying how I can still write with a broken ankle. It actually took me a couple of days to get up the stairs so before you readers judge me please learn your facts about me.

So just in conclusion, most of you readers are amazing fans! And I thank you for that. I just wanted to let you know that the next chapter you're going to find out everything and that is when the story unravels. That chapter will be really long and I would rather not put it with this chapter.



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