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I met Wednesday when i was 13. She was 13 too. Very peculiar.

We were at the crime scene. I was covered in blood. Traumatized. Who wouldn't be? I just vamped out and killed my mother and then lucky me i wolfed out and killed my father. For the first time. It is the next day, luckily i managed to get home before the cops arrived. Put on my clothes which happened to be blood covered. Then sirens. Constant blaring. Questions. Tears. Shouts. Screams. Never ending.


It was my birthday. I chose my present. I wanted to see a crime secene- fresh. So i shadowed a crime scene photographer. What i saw would stay with me forever. The bodies, blood, limbs they didn't bother me. It was the girl. Sitting there crying and covered head to toe in blood. Ripped, shredded clothes. Blood and skin in her messy tangled hair. Clearly traumatized.


My birthday was the day before. Celebrated the usual way but then in the evening it happened. I couldn't physically get myself to talk. Every time i opened my mouth i just sobbed. Or shouted, or screamed. Then when i was left alone so the person could take photos i noticed something peculiar. A girl. Probably my age. Following the guy with interest. She looked over at me in concern. Like everyone else here. But there was something different about her.
"Oh my! The poor dear. What will happen to her?" a woman looking similar to the girl asked in such distress you could think it was her who did it- not me.
"Social services will take her. Although i doubt anyone would manage to look after her with how traumatized she is." a cop explianed.
Ah of course, lucky me yet again. At least my sarcasm still works.
"Tish. -" a man whispered something quietly to the woman, i think they are the girl's parents.
They continue to have a quiet conversation.
"What happened?" an unfamiliar voice asks.
I look up. It's the girl. She has black hair in braids, dark eyes, pale skin and no expression. Although i can tell there is worry behind her eyes.
I open my mouth to speak but no sound is heard.
"It's okay if you are not ready to talk. I'm 13 today. My name is Wednesday."

And that is how it started. Her family took me in. It was hard at first- i didn't eat, sleep, talk. I just lay in bed at night and sat in the living room at day. I only drank when someone reminded me too. Which was about a small sip every half hour. Then after a week i slowly got better. I ate small portions of meals, talked- not loads but just simple things. Sleep was another story. I did manage to sleep but woke up screaming and crying from nightmares. It was Wednesday and Morticia who soothed me and helped me sleep.

Then one weekend, a few months after i ajusted, Gomez took Pugsley on a fishing trip. I had a nightmare- Wednesday came to soothe me. I regressed involantry. It was a really bad nightmare. Wednesday had no idea what happened or what to do but she rolled with it. She didn't hate me for it and just did what we were both comfortable with. Morticia arrived to check on us after hearing a loud thud and Wednesday never went to see her. I awoke after i fell out of bed and cried like the 2 year old (headspace) i was. The goth woman came in cautiously. Seeing me crying she just sat next to me and comforted me. The day after was hard. Hard to explain what happened.
"Age regression you say? I'm sure i've heard of that somewhere..." was what Morticia said when i explained.
"So those times you didn't come out of your room it happened? And the trauma is why you do it. To help you cope? Makes sense." Wednesday's reaction was strange. I expected something else but this was great.
A few days later Wednesday became my cg/caregiver at Morticia's suggestion. We weren't against it so that's how it happened. Then we turned 14 (turns out my birthday is one day before hers) and eh about a few months in we started dating- outside of our age regression relationship.

Then Gomez and Morticia took us to Nevermore Academy for outcasts. They both went here when they were our age(15 now). Pugsley was sad to see us go as was Wednesday's parents. But all of us thought it was for the best- except Wednesday and i. I didn't really understand but was happy as long as i was with Wednesday.

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