Woe Is The Loneliest Number -part2

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We just got back to our dorm with Bianca following us. She looks bewildered at the 2 halves.
"Thats Enid's side." Weds clarifies and Bianca 'o's.
"Weds and i are over here." I point- still clinging on to my girlfriend.
Wednesday tries to put me down but i complain and hang on. She mutters something like clingy under her breath but i don't care. It's true. She sits on her bed and puts me on her knee.
"So? What do ya wanna talk about?" I ask with curiousity.
"I wanted to know what happened when you saw the monster. And also which one of you keeps screaming at night?"
"I didn't see it. Just smelt and heard it. Smeled like a wiered mix of Thornhill and normie boy Tyler well and a bit different. Why? Oh and i'm the one who has nightmares- sorry if i woke you up." i explain.
"Strange. Why didn't you see it?"
"Ask her." I point to Weds with my head. Bianca looks at her.
"I did not let her look. She would've had even more nightmares. Simple." Weds explains- making me feel like a baby but i only hope i don't regress until she leaves.
"Fair enough. So are you too related? Dating? Close friends?"
Bianca nodds, "Cool. What happened to your arm?"
"A statue fell on it."
"Rowan used telekenises to push a statue of the building. I pushed Blake out the way but it still got her arm. And your ex pushed me out the way." Weds explains in more detail, with no emotion.
"So he tried to kill you twice? That boy was crazy as -" Bianca says but i cant hear what the last word was. Weds put her hands over my ears and is probably scolding Bianca.
She removes her hands and Bianca apologises- very suprising. I shrugg.
"Well. I gotta go. I look foward to beeting your roommate in the Poe Cup. Bye!" Bianca leaves- closing the door behind her.

After a while of cuddling, i speak.
"Can i see the drawing?"
"The one Rowan showed me?"
Weds gets it out her pocket and gives it to me. I unfold it carefully.
"That looks like us..."
"It does. I think we are supposed to destroy the school. Thats why i'm so distracted recently. I want to stop it happening."
"Damm. I don't plan to do that. And as much as you love horror or want to destroy Nevermore- you wont. So i think we're okay. Now cuddle me." I say then command, falling back into Wednesday.
She 'oof's and grabs me securely.
"Do you like looking after me?" I ask so quietly i thought i said it in my head.
"I love taking care of you. You can regress anytime you know. Doesn't just have to be after something scary." Wednesday comforts quietly.
"Are you-"
"Yes i am sure. I love you. I will never leave you. I will protect you with everything i have." Weds says sternly but with love.
I nodd and close my eyes.
"Hi little monster." She says with love and care.
I snuggle into her. She writes after a while whilst Enid plays with me. A peaceful afternoon. We all then get our pjs on -Weds helping me- then go to bed. I have warm milk then Weds cuddles me to sleep.


After Wednesday was certain that Blake was asleep, she changed into a stealthy outfit and snook out. The goth knew that Enid had went to the cafateria for dinner and that Blake would be fine. She took Thing and went to Xavier's room. She hid until he was in the shower then investigated. Thing looked for the dark purple book and she looked on Rowan's side of the room. It was all packed up so the girl decided to use UV light. Blood was found under the bed as was a mask. Wednesday hid under Xavier's bed as he came out of the bathroom and answered his door. Bianca walked in.

"You shouldn't be here." he says, pulling Bianca inside quickly.
"You were afraid Rowan would hurt the new girls. Is that why you've been following them around like a lost puppy? Or is it something else?"
Xavier sighs, "He tried to kill them twice."
"They're both taken anyways."
"What? Who?"
"Wednesday and Blake are dating. So did you suddenly have a thing for tragic goth girls? And clingy traumatized girls? We were perfect together, Xavier." Bianca explains then remembers.
"I could never trust you, Bianca. You tried to manipulate me."
"I can't wait to see her werewolf roommate crumble when i beat her in the Poe Cup."
"That's a bit dark."
"You used to love my killer instincts." Bianca possibly teases him.
One singular excruciatingly loud scream is heard.
Horror fills Wednesday's face.
Bianca and Xavier run out the door. Wednesday runs back to her dorm- knowing exactly who screamed.

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