Friend or Woe

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The sack was pulled off. Our hands were tied tight behind our backs. We had a chair each and a projector was blinding us. Wonderful. I visibly relax in the chair.
"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" A deep hilarious voice asks.
I stiffle my laughter and Weds deadpans.
"You can take the mask off, Bianca."
Aww the fun ruined.
"Wait i prefered you with it on."
I burst out laughing- can't hold it in any more. This crap is hilarious.
The teens all glare at me- Xavier asks something smart.
"How did you get down here?"
"Rowan showed me. Left pocket."
I glare at him as he grabs paper from her pocket.
"Poe statue. Solved riddles. Very difficult. Then we were kidnapped by you fools. Hey it was hilarious though!" I explain quickly.
"Theres a riddle!? I thought we just snapped twice?" A boy with a black eye asks.
"Well aern't you the brightest in the bunch?" Weds teases- i snicker.
"The Nightshades are an elite social club. Empasis on elite." Bianca explains. I rip my ropes apart subtly with my claws.
"We have parties, campouts- tons of fun." A girl says smiling.
"And Yoko's an amateur mixologist. She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild." The others back her up.
"Oh my! How elite!" i exagerrate and tease with a smirk of course.
"Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?" the others look glum. "Last i heard, the nightshades had dispanded."
"The group lost its flare 30 years ago when some normie kid died." Xavier explains.
Yoko buts in, "But we have a lot of crap so Weems looks the other way. As long as nobody makes waves."
"Someone like Rowan?"
"We booted that looser last semester." The others giggle, "Question is. What do we do with these two?"
"I say we invite them to pledge. Legacy after all." Xavier tries to help.
Silence. Hushed voices. They argue. I laugh- call me crazy if you want its funny.
Wednesday talks a bit before i hear, " I'm not interested in joining. Plus Blake terrifies you all. She finds this hilarious. See?"
They look at me and i am smiling, stiffling giggles and laughs. Proving Weds point.
"Your turning us down!?"
"Can you believe it?" Weds mocks.
"Untie them."
"I freed myself 5 minutes ago."
"Oh. My ropes were demolished at the words "social club". Hope you don't need them?" I giggle like a crazy lunatic.
Weds holds her rope up and i make a big stretch- proving my point. She stands and grabs me- in a fit of giggles-, takes the paper, steals a book and attempts to leave.
A boy blocks our way, "Want a matching black eye?" Weds threatens.
I laugh and lean on my girlfriend who is bored out of her mind.
"It's amateurs like you that give kidnapping a bad name!" She complains, dragging me up the stairs and out.


It was close to night. I am sitting on Weds knee looking through the book she stole with her. She stops at a drawing. I hand her the paper that was ripped out. She puts it back in neatly.
"You know, those girls look familiar..." i point out in a teasing tone.
"If we are responsible for Nevermore's end... Why are we sharing it with a pilgrim?" Weds asks intruiged and irritated.
"Who knows?" i shrugg not particularly caring.
"You were crazy back there. Why?"
"How should i know? What vision did you get at the Poe Cup? You know i can sense them."
"I touched Crackstones Crypt. Saw a girl who looked like me but she had blonde hair and a white dress. She said that Blake was the key. Something like that."


The next day everyone was trapped in the 'quad' listening to Weems. She makes a speech and teachers hand out peices of card. I get mine.
"Pilgrim World? Sounds devastating."
"Goodyy!! I got Pilgrim World too! Kind of the obvi choise for me. Wednesday? What did you get?" Enid bouds over.
"Uriah's Heep."
"Its this really creepy antique shop. You'll love it though."
"Wednesday. Don't worry about your cello. I'll have it brought to the town square this afternoon." Weems comes over.
"My cello?"
"I caught your rooftop serenade the other night. Impressive." Weems compliments.
Weds mumbles but i hear, "It wasn't meant for you."
"I'm sure it won't be too challenging to play an uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody."
"As long as you promise to hang me as a witch afterwards." Weds agrees.
Weems raises a concerned eyebrow and smiles with a simple 'Hm'.

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