Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe

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Blake and Wednesday got out the car first, followed by Pugsley then the adults. Principal Weems had allowed them to enter mid-semester as Blake was a werewolf and vampire and Wednesday's parents both went here as well as the fact she didn't fit in anywhere else. This was Blake's first time at school since the incident. Since her parents. The family, Blake and Weems went to their new dorm. It was 'Ophelia Hall' and they had a roommate. The Principal said that usually only 2 students room together but because of Blake's past and connection to Wednesday she allowed 3 to room together.

To say the new girls liked the room was an overstatment. Wednesday paled and Blake just stared.
"It's very vivid." Gomez muttered- clearly not impressed either.
"Howdy roomies! Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale..." a very bubbly teen asked.
"Please exuse Wednesday. She's allergic to colour." Morticia explains.
"These two always look half-dead so no worries." Gomez agrees.
"Enid please take these two to get their uniform and give them a tour on the way." Weems commands.
The bubbly teen nodds and escourts the dark girls out.


Enid took us to get uniform and i was thankful we both got special ordered black ones instead of the blue like every one else. Wednesday was pleased too. We walked outside.
"There are many flavours of outcasts here. Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales. Fangs- AKA Vampires. Those idiots are Furs- AKA Werewolfs. Like me. Full moons get pretty noisy around here. I reccommend a pair of noise-cancelling headphones." Enid explains after i realize they were talking.
"I assume Scales are Sirens?"
"You learn quick. Bianca Barclay. Closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown is slipping. Due to-" I cut Enid off.
"Lemme guess. Artist over there and Siren queen used to date but broke up. Reason unknown but probably over something stupid?" i summarise.
"Um yeah actually. You should totally read my vlog. Number 1 source for gossip!" Enid boasts.
"Yo Enid. Your not gonna believe the dirt i heard on your new roommates. One eats human flesh- totally ate that kid she murdered. And the other killed her normie parents. You better watch your back." A boy rants. Well they already know so this will be fun to watch.
"Actually i feed them to my wide variety of pets. And don't ever- i mean ever- talk about Blake's past. Otherwise i will enjoy torturing you in many fun ways." Wednesday explains and threatens the boy, with a snake on his face, to protect me. I squeeze her hand gratefully and she gives me a small smile.
"Ajax. These are my new roommates. Wednesday and Blake." Enid introduces.
"Woah. Yous are in black and white like living instagram filters." the boy- Ajax says impressed.
"Ajax shush. He's a gorgon. Spends way to much time getting stoned. Cute but clueless." Enid explains blushing a bit at calling him cute.


The Addams Family is prepared to leave- minus Wednesday. Pugsley hugged us both. My cg not impressed but i hug back. Then Gomez says bye to us and goes to the car with Pugsley. Last is Morticia. She huggs me and gives us a crystal ball to contact them on. Wednesday gets a pretty necklace and i get a bracelet that matches. I hug Morticia again and she does her signature mother-daughter goodbye with Wednesday. The car leaves and i see Thing being dropped from underneath. I decide to not tell Wednesday and pretend i never noticed- i want to see how long it takes her to realize.


I am currently lying on Wednesday's bed, drawing in my sketchbook. Wednesday is dividing the room and peeling coloured paper of the window.
Enid barges in, "What have you done to my room!?"
"I divided our room equally."
"Please don't argue. I am trying to sketch." i beg.
Wednesday looks over at me, "You haven't done that in a while."
"Hey sorry 'bout Ajax. I do want to know though. Also Wednesday please don't torture me. I saw your parents leave today so what did Ajax mean when he said you killed them?" Enid asks uncertain.
Wednesday gives her a glare, "I said to Ajax i'll say it again. Don't talk about Blake's past."
"Weds chill. This one is okay. Enid those were Wednesday's parents and brother. They took me in when i was 13." i explain.
"Okay. That makes sense. What type of outcast are you though?" Enid asks.
"You better not tell anyone this. If you do i unleash Wednesday's anger on you." Enid nodds, "I am a vampire werewolf hybrid."
Enid looks confused but accepts the answer. I do a gesture to Weds and she comes next to me. She gives me a small smile and strokes her thumb on my hand. She kisses my temple then goes to her desk.
"This is my writing time. Please no interruptions." Wednesday explains to Enid who looks shocked that Weds kissed me and actually touched me.
"Close your mouth or you'll be eating flies instead of meat." i say honestly.
She snaps out of it and puts on pop music.
"Ow my ears. Turn that down please." i say to Enid who is dancing.
She ignores me, making Weds get up in slight anger. The music turns off and they stand face to face on their own side of the black tape on the floor.
*knock knock*
"Hi. I'm Ms Thornhill. Your dorm mom. I wanted to see how yous are settling in as our first 3 student dorm. Oh i see i came at a bad time."
"She's been smothering me with hospitality. I plan to do the same. In her sleep." Weds says honestly. I giggle, drawing all eyes to me.
"Yes?" i ask, playing dumb.
Weds shakes her head with a smirk and the others just look away.
"Okay girls. No boys. No smothering people in their sleep. No torturing. No fangs, no claws. Play nice. Anything you need- ask me or Principal Weems." Thornhill explains the rules.
"What's the word on going into town?" Weds asks clearly wanting to escape- as do i.
"Passes to Jericho are a privelage not a right. And the townspeople are wary of Nevermore so no making waves. There is a shuttle on the weekends otherwise it is a 25 minute walk." Thornhill explains.
"Okay. What about Weds and i's therapy? We're both court ordered to have it." i ask suddenly.
"Principal Weems will take you both. The therapist is a lovely lady in Jericho. Blake your session is first then Wednesdays' but i heard that you will be transported together." She explains.
I nodd then go back to sketching. Weds is pleased i asked and seems happy about the arrangments. Enid just looks confused yet again. She eventually shruggs it off.

<timeskip- midnight>


Blake, Wednesday and Enid were all asleep. Blake was moving around and murmurring. Wednesday was lying on her back with her arms crossed on her chest. Enid was on her side hugging a teddy. The kitty and goth were in deep sleep. The hybrid- deeper. After half an hour of moving around she screams. And cries and shouts incoherently. Wednesday sits up immedietly. She is kneeling next to Blake's bed before Enid even woke up. With another scream, Enid is awake and confused. Wednesday is quietly talking to and comforting the girl when she feels a presence behind her.
"Sorry Blake woke you up."
"Hm its okay. Whats going on?" The kitty asks groggily.
"Nightmare." Wednesday replies simply.
Enid looks at Blake with sympathy. The hybrid screams again.
"It's about that night. We have to wake her up otherwise it will just get worse and she will wake everyone at Nevermore. She might even transform too so it's best if you wait a distance away." Wednesday explains.
Enid backs away, allowing Wednesday to wake Blake up.
A few minutes and Blake is awake. Crying her eyes out, she huggs Wednesday who suprisingly hugs back- rubbing her girlfriends' back.
"It's okay little monster." Wednesday whispers gently.
Blake looks up at her with big eyes. The goth nodds and the hybrid closes her eyes.
"Mama." Blake says quietly.
Enid just stares at the scene- not sure what to do but hearing every word because of her wolf ears.
"Hi little monster. That must have been a very scary nightmare, hm?"
"Mmhmm. Bout wen me n mova n fava n m wowf n vamp. M no wike it mama. Me didnt wan huwt dem." Blake says sadly in a baby voice, her eyes filling with tears.
"I know, little monster. I know. But it's in the past now. Look see there's Enid and we're at Nevermore now." Wednesday explains gently.
Enid walks over slowly- not sure what to make of the situation. "Hi Blake."
"Hewo Enwid." Blake replies with big eyes.
Enid turns to Wedbesday.
"Wednesday? What's going on?" Enid asks wanting an answer.
"It's midnight. I'll tell you tomorrow. Goodnight." Wednesday promises.
"Okay. Goodnight." Enid agrees.
Wednesday gently lifts Blake into her arms and carries her to the goths bed.
Enid looks shocked, "Been doing this a while. Now sleep." Wednesday says simply.
The girlfriends cuddle up in Weds' bed. Wednesday staying awake until she was certain Blake was asleep.
She kisses her head, "Goodnight, little monster. I love you."
Enid drifts off to sleep after hearing that as does Wednesday. The girls cuddling. Wednesday on her back, Blake half on top of her- her head in Wednesday's neck. Whilst Enid cuddles her teddy and sleeps peacefully.

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