Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe -part3

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We arrive at the academy. We go to our dorm but Weems said she wants to see me before night though. I know its a full moon so that will be fun. Enid isin't here yet so i cuddle Weds as much as i can. She knows the full moon triggers some memories for me so she reassures me plenty. I help get the Cello out the window with Thing too. Then it is sunset. I hug Weds more and kiss her then reluctantly go to Weems. She escorts me to the school basement where there are loads of other people/werewolfs and i choose a corner near the window. It has bars across it. The moon rises and Weems practically runs out- locking the door behind her. I transform first and howl. I hear a soothing song and relax a bit. The others transform as the moon hightens and i can barely hear the cello anymore. But i can.


Enid enters the dorm a few minutes after Blake left. Wednesday is making her way out the window. She plays her cello to soothe herself and Blake in her werewolf form.
Enid follows Wednesday and listens to the song also getting soothed. When the song finishes Thing taps and asks the girl something.
"No i don't feel any better. I just hope Blake is okay." she replies.
"How did you fit that oversized violin out the window!?" Enid asks cleary surprised.
"Blake helped. And i had a hand." Weds says and Thing waves.
"That is so wiered."
"Why aern't you with Blake? Aern't you a werewolf?"
"This is all i got." Enid shows her claws, "I might never- you know. Had to see a lycanologist in Mwilake. I could get kicked from the pack, losing the prospect of ever finding a mate. I could be alone forever!"
"I am failing to see the problem. Are you crying?"
"Of course! I could die alone!"
"We all die alone, Enid."
"You're terrible at comforting people. Haven't you ever cried?"
"3 times.
1st- i was 6. My pet scorpion Nero was killed by boys on their bikes. It snowed when i buried him.
2nd- When i heard what Blake went through.
3rd- Blake was really ill. She was in a coma for a week. That was not a pleasent experience."
"Thats terrible. I'm sorry. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me. So what happened to Blake?"
"I only tell you because we're roommates and Blake would want you to know." Wednesday sighs and Enid nodds.
"Okay. It was on my 13th birthday. I shadowed a photographer at a fresh crime scene. Blake was covered head to toe in blood and her hair was tangled and red with bits of skin in. Her mother was dead longer and was drained of blood. Her father was torn up, limbs everywhere and blood covered the walls. Blake had vamped out on her mother then as it was a full moon she wolfed out on her father. Killed both her parents on her birthday so both her and my birthday are hard for her."
Enid doesn't reply. A loud howl is heard that Wednesday remembers.
"Thanks Blake. I love you too." Wednesday mutters, practically silent.

Wednesday sent Thing to Tyler with Enid's number on its palm. Tyler calls the number after getting freaked out.
"I know Nevermore is ground for all things wiered but this is next level. So is he your pet?"
"He's sensitive." Wednesday replies after Thing give Tyler the middle finger. They devise an escape plan for the Harvest Festival and the goth says Blake will be there too.


"Blake! Hi!" Enid replies with a lot of energy.
"Blake! C'mere. Also Tyler is driving us to the train station later when we leave the harvest festival." Wednesday stops writing.
Blake goes and sits on her girlfriend's knee and cuddles into her. The Addams rubs the other girl's back to comfort her.
"Thank you." Blake whispers.
"For what?"
"Everything. But right now it would be telling Enid, playing your cello outside, planning to escape with me and comforting me." Blake says it so quietly Wednesday had to strain her ears to hear.
"Of course. I'll always be there for you. Always."
"Me too! I'm here for you both too. Don't forget that!" Enid suddenly agrees.
Blake giggles and Wednesday gives them a small smile.


"My dad gave me a curfew. We have to leave now." Tyler says to the girls.
"I have some dead weight to loose first. Meet me in the carpark when the fireworks start." Wednesday explains.
Weems waves as Wednesday and Blake hold hands and go in the festival. They stop at darts.
*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*
Wednesday and Blake took turns throwing darts at balloons.
"Keep going like that yous will be taking the full pack." a male voice says near them.
"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude."
"Alright point taken." Xavier sighs. Blake shruggs, confused.
"You should know we're waiting for someone."
"Hope i'm not interrupting?" Tyler comes up next to them.
"Your not." Xavier grumbles and walks away, pushing Tyler's shoulder on his way past.
"That sad lonely lady needs this more than we do. Go distract her." Blake says as Wednesday slides him some money.
"Lets go." they walk to the car park.
"I wanted you to have this before you go." Tyler says directly to Wednesday, handing her a police report.
"Uh, guys?" Blake interrupts. She points to the boys Wednesday beat up who were now holding bats threatingly.
"Come on! We can loose them in the crowd!" Tyler grabs Wednesday-who is holding Blake- and drags her forcing them to run.

They succseed but a boy runs past, knocking into Wednesday who then collapses onto Blake with her head at a strange angle. Wednesday stands up.
"Rowan! Wait up!" She shouts after him.
Blake and Wednesday run after him into the forest. Leaving Tyler alone who walks away.
Rowan uses telekenisis to throw Wednesday against a tree- he hasn't noticed Blake who is terrified.
"Weds?" She whispers.
"Rowan! Put me down. You're in danger." Wednesday explains but he laughs.
"You have it the wrong way 'round. You're the one in danger. I have to kill you to save the school!"
Rowan pushes a picture up to her face using his powers.
"Whats that? A drawing!?"
"My mother-a powerful Seer-  drew it 25 years ago before she died! Thats you! I have no idea who the other girl is. I have to kill you both!" He screamed at her.
Blake took of her jumper, preparing to transform into a werewolf-vampire hybrid to save Wednesday. However she has no need to. A monster bounds out of the shadows and rips Rowan to shredds.
Blake runs to Wednesday who is falling, "Got ya."
"Focus on me, okay? Nothing else is happening. Just you and me." Wednesday coaxes gently and Blake does what she says. The monster raws and is definetly not a werewolf.
"Smells familiar. Can turn into a human i think." Blake says still looking at Wednesday.
"Strange. I know today has been hard so lets get you little back at the dorm, yeah?" Wednesday sympathises.
"mmhmm. What was the picture he showed you?"
"I'll show you tomorrow. Close your eyes, you don't need to see that."
"The monster is still here. Why hasn't it attacked us? I wonder what it is."
"Keep your eyes closed Blake. I'm gonna grab something. Wait there a minute." Wednesday leaves Blake to get the drawing. Blake really wanted to open her eyes but no way. If Wednesday said to close them, there is always a very good reason. Wednesday came back and grabbed Blake.
"Blake. I need you to run out the forest and get help okay? As fast as you can. Don't come back in the forest though." Wednesday intructs as she turns Blake.
"Open your eyes. Run. And get help."
"Okay." Blake says quietly. Then runs as fast as she can (very fast she is out the forest in a minute) to get help.
"Stay here. I'll go check and call Principal Weems." Bianca Barclay commands and runs into the forest.

Enid takes Blake back to her dorm and says Wednesday will be back very soon. Bianca saw Rowan's dead body and was surprised when the cops said there was nothing there. Wednesday returns to her dorm quite frustrated and forgets what she promised Blake.
"Finally your back! Please help." Enid begs and points to Blake who had in fact regressed and clinging to her leg.
"Mama weft me!" Blake shouts, sobbing.
"No Blake. Mama didn't leave you, she was protecting you." Enid explains gently.
"Hey little monster." Wednesday whispers.
Blake jumps into her arms and cries into her neck.
"I'm sorry i was gone so long."
"Mammaa." Blake slurs, sucking her fingers.
"Fingers are yucky. Do you want a teether or a paci?"
"Paseee!" Blake says grumpily.
"Be nice to mama." Enid says simply before disappearing.
Blake sucks on a plain black paci cuddling into Wednesday.
*ring ring*    *ring ring*
"Wednesday darling! How are you settling in!?" a person on the crystal ball asks.
"Hello mother. Father."
"Gwamaw?" Blake asks around her paci.
"Hello Blake. Is Wednesday taking good care of you?" Morticia asks.
"Mmhmm! Wuv mama."
Morticia awes and Wednesday smiles-not fully but bigger than usual.
"Wednesday! How is Nevermore?" Gomez asks just appearing on screen.
"As much as i hate to admit... I think i'm going to love it here."
"Enwid!" Blake exclaims pointing.
"Oh your roommate? How did she take Blake being little?"
"Well. Surprisingly. Enid looked after Blake about half an hour ago too. We should go now. Farewell father. Goodbye mother." Wednesday explains.
"Goodbye Wednesday. We love you very much. Bye bye Blake." Morticia says with a smile then ends the call.
"Sleep time little monster."
"Cudduws? Miwky peese?" Blake asks quietly.
Wednesday smiles motherly, "Okay. Cuddles and milk."
"Here. I heard sleep and thought she might want milk? It's warm. How did the call go?" Enid asks, handing over warm milk in a baby bottle.
"Anky Enwid!"
Enid giggles but looks at Wednesday awaiting an answer.
"It went well. Thank you. How did yours go?"
"Hmm okay i think. My mom was super judgy that i haven't you know yet and my dad just sat there. Like usual." Enid sighs.
Wednesday nodds and takes the milk of Enid. She takes Blake to her(Weds) bed and cradels her. Blake drinks the milk, slowly falling asleep. Having a death grip on Wednesday who made sure they were both in pjs before the milk. Wednesday gets comfy and drifts off to sleep too. Enid quietly washed the bottle in the bathroom sink then went to bed herself, hugging her teddy.

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