The begging

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OK so, the story will take a long time to make because i am one lazy-ass motherfucker. I will be working on it but to make chapters that are actually good and long is a bit hard as i loose focus very easily and even writing this chapter is hard because i cant focus. This is the first / prologue chapter. So Yeah, enjoy the story. And maybe give me a follow but it is your choice. Also if you have any idea to a story write it in the comments or hit me up on discord. If you choose the latter (Discord) i will give you my Discord user name.

"Come on lads we have to fortify this city before the Fenrir and the Rusviet get here!"

"We're working on it Sir Duisburg"

As Duisburg was walking to the cammanders' tent he saw the engineers and soldiers continued to make defenses and armor up the city. Preparing guns and mechs and the commanders were making plans on how to defend the city. Now in the commanders' tent a heated discussion is ongoing with tesla pointing out all the places that can be used as chokepoints and places where the Fenris might come from. But outside the city something bad is going on. A heavy storm is brewing and the scouts have a feeling that they can see the Fenris forces very far away, yet still coming. Just as the Fenris come to good view of their binoculars the storm is getting worse. When a messenger came to report about the incoming forces the commanders were certain that the Fenris have something to do with it.

§Meanwhile with the Fenris§

"Sir Rasputin, do you think this storm has something to do with factory?"

"It may have, after all Zubov was unable to take it so we there must be something bad going on in there. For now, send scouts and inform me of everything. We must take the factory so that we can win the war. For the Fenris!"

"For the Fenris!"

And so the Fenrir sent scouts to find out what is going on in the factory and why was Zubov defeated.

As they arrived they saw a heavily armored city along with hundreds of troops, tens of heavy machine guns, cannons and mechs from all three of The factory, Saxony and Polania.

"Shit! Those bastards have united themselves! Raagh! CHARGE! Kill those bastards! Leave no survivors but Tesla. The factory will be ours and we will tule the world! For the Fenris!"

"For the Fenris!"

And so the soldiers and mechs of Fenris charged at the city and the defenders responded with massive firings. Bullets, artillery, cannon and mech shells all alike flew through the air at the Fenris forces.

§3rd person view§

Both sides were firing at the other and taking losses but the Fenris were taking more hits than the defenders as the latter were behind cover or in trenches. Then the Defenders stepped out and charged the Fenris. Soldiers fighting in CQC, shooting at each other, mechs brawling, punching, shooting artillery-grade shells and much more (i do not know not describe this further). After a really bloody battle the Fenris had to retreat or risk being captured. And so with a pyrrhic victory the factory stood and the defenders won. And so they started to rebuild. But the storm did not go away. It only worsened. The commanders and soldiers were skeptical about it but kept on rebuilding the city. But then a mere few hours later lightning was seen inside the storm and it kept on getting closer and closer to the middle of the city. The commanders knew it was a sign of something and they went to the middle of the city to take a look at what it is. In the middle of the city above the city square the lightning largened and compacted. Until suddenly, it stroke the square as a bright, blinding white light engulfed the entire city middle, and after it ended a single large building stood there. Of old roman design it was like a large Gate.

OK. Hope ya liked it. another chapter will not be out for around two, two and a half weeks but if you want to stay updated, leave a follow and fuck off.

Words: 708

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