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After 5 months the alnuss town was built, it was a small city even. The fields and  farms around spreading for kilometers. The city was full of shops, taverns and a few manufacturing plants. The city was full if life and people, traverels coming in and out daily, adventurers and entire guilds coming in for missions, guilds of workers and labourers wantibg to get a job in the city and the best of the best getting jobs on the other side. But as the town was so large the soldiers could no longer fight the saderans and protect the city. And now when the saderans copied their weaponry and even cannons even the mechs and vehicles could be shot down. The planes, and airships bought from Usonia were a big help but they were few and an airfield and a plane manufacturing plant were not built yet. And so a militia was being trained.

"Wake up ya idiots! It's morning and time for your training!" A drill instructor yelled while banging two pots against eachother to wake the recruits up. "Come on i don't have the whole day! Get changed and get your rifles and equipment from the armory! I want all of you at the morning formation in fifteen minutes!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Yelled all recruits in unison.

"What a stuck up dick." Said a soldier after the instructor left.

The soldiers quickly changed and rushed to the armory to get their weapons. They managed to get to rhe formation in only thirteen minutes.

"Didn't think you would get here so fast considering you are moving slower than my grandma! Very well, Askier?"




It went on like this for some time, then they went to the mess hall for breakfast. It was a simple breakfast of eggs, bread and some cheese. After about 20 minutes they went training, they first had a ln obstacle course set up along the entire town border, where anyone can go but some parts only militia can use. The obstacle course was easy except for crawl and slither practice parts. Then came the shooting range, they trained with the kropatschek model 1884 and the mauser model 1871 bolt action rifles. Then the MP - 18, madsen model 1905 and machinegewehr 8, how to use grenades, and finally madsen m 1902 and wz. 19 (the real name is wz 35 anti tank rifle). They after this had lunch consisting of soup, meat with potatoes and an apple pie. Finaly they had a formation and a 10 kilometer march with their gear and a fake battle using stun ammunition (Tesla's invention in this universe). Then they simulated how to take down an armored vehicle and a mech. Another obstacle course run and dinner. For dinner they hunted down some wild animals and cooked them above a fire, as it was saturday they were allowed to do this. Then an evening formation, cleaning of weapons and gear, changing and showering and they went to sleep.

Next day was sunday, they bad a same morning routine but instead of training they got some money and were allowed to leave the traing ground and into the city with 50 silver (around 80 euro) and fifty zlotý-s. And in a week they shall have the final test and become the first militia platoon (in this universe im going to make it 5 squads of 11).

(Ok folks i know this was a rather short chapter, but i wanted to make one more for you before not uploafing for another month or so. So please follow if you want to see more chapters. If you dont want to follow no need. And fuck off. (it's a joke)).

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