Attack on Tokyo

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We see a lot of people walking on the streets, Some talking on the phone, some talking to others some listening to music and many more. But suddenly a guy falls over on the street from hitting his head on a pole. A few gather around to see if he is okay, but he sits up holding his. All is fine it seems. Yet when he looks up he sees a weird shape forming in the middle of the street. 

"W-what is that?" asks the man. As he points to the shape, now materialising. And as people turn they also see it and wonder, showing to the man that he has not gone crazy.

Once the object fully materialises it is shown to be some sort of a structure. A gate, even. Yet then the doors opened and out stepped soldiers, clad in heavy armor and holding rifles, machineguns and submachineguns. And even a few dragons! And not only that, out came trolls and ogres carrying heavy machineguns, anti-armor rifles and small caliber cannons! it was an invasion army. After them came out a sight to behold, large tanks that looked like the british ones from the first world war, with two cannons on each side, an anti-armor rifle on the top twin mounted with  light machine gun. Then finally a commander of sorts stepped out on a beautiful white horse. And proclaimed:

"You people of this land shall now become servants of the Saderan Empire! This city and land is now a colony of the Empire, and you shall become slaves, and the richer of you maybe citizens! Bow down and subjugate yourselves to the empire! Or die horrible deaths!"

But then the police came and aimed their weapons at the army.

"You fools, your little pistols have no use! I give you one last chance!"

And then the police shot.

"Then pay with your lives and blood!"

At that the soldiers charged with bayonets. Tanks fired with all of their weaponry destroying the buildings and cars, the ogres mowed down the police, while the soldiers killed and captured civillians. But the man from eariler who fell managed to tackle one of the soldiers, take the bayonet of his rifle and slit the soldiers throat. The man took the rifle and ran to the civilians. With the rifle he killed four more soldiers. 

"Grab the rifles and kill any attackers! If you see a soldier drop a gun, take it and use it! After a few shots it should be empty, just grab another clip and push the cartridges inside the rifle!"

And so the ones that could picked up rifles and fired. The attackers seemed a bit suprised they attacked back but started shooting at those who had rifles. After a while the japanese military came. With them came even a few IFVs, APCs and two tanks. The saderan tanks shot at the japanese ones but did only a little damage. the IFVs and APCs were damaged a bit more. An IFVs tracks were blown of fully, rendering it unable to move. The rest had medium and minor damage but no major. The APCs however received major blows and damage. But there was not enough japanese combatants to defeat the saderans and the japanese were slowly being pushed back.

At that realisation the man mentioned earlier had ran to one of the commanding officers.

"Sir! Call in airsupport or we will lose!" Yelled the man.

The officer look at him confused and a bit angry. "Who the hell, do you think you are to make such requests?!"

The man saluted "ex 2nd lieutnant Yoji Itami of the JSDF, Sir! I know we are slowly losing, if we do not do something that will get rid of most of them, they will defeat us!"

"Very well, i shall consider it, but now i will need you and the fighting men to take the civilians somewhere safe."

"Shall do, sir!" Itami saluted and ran away.

Itami and the other civilians ran away. Some time later they saw helicopters flying in the direction of the fight. The people took refuge in an underground mall parking lot.
Some time later, the police and paramedics found them and started treating whatever wounds. Mostly gunshot wounds. Most civilians were ok though.

During the treatment process in the lot a man approached Itami.

"Hey there." Said the man.

Itami turned around and looked at the man. "Yes?"

"I want to thank you for starting the 'counter attacking' the soldiers, if you didn't we would have gotten slaughtered like sheep by a pack of wolves. If not for your quick thinking my family would have been killed. I am very thankful for it."

(The ministry of storytelling of wattpad has issued here a timeskip to the medal ceremony. Because the author is unable to come up with content to put here, and/or is too lazy to do so.)

"While the discovery of a whole new world behind this so called "Gate" is very interesting and quite shocking, we still have another matter to attend. And that is, ex-soldier Yoji Itami, a second lieutenant of the JSDGF also known as the Japanese self defense ground forces, is being issued a protection ribbon along with a defense ribbon for not only showing bravery during the attack of Tokyo by the otherwordly forces, but also for being the first and one of the only to pick up a weapon and fight. Others who have also picked up weapons, will later during this ceremony also receive, ribbons. Civilian help ribbons and civilian defense help ribbons." Said the high general of the japanese army as he added the ribbons to the ceremonial uniform, Itami was wearing. He then took a banner of the japanese self defense forces and held it up along with Itami, both slightly smiling for the camera, in ceremonial manner, but to not look weird.

After the ceremony, the next day Itami joined the JSDF again he went through basic training again, and being recognised by a lot of people. There were also some that were at the attack and helped. He made a lot of friends/companions, that would later on be added to a platoon he will be leading (yes you read correctly, a platoon, not a squad like in the original anime.). He has quickly became a local celebrity. Even though, he did not want to be one. A the final formation Itami stood out even more, since by the JSDF protocols he has to have all his medals and ribbons on his uniform, thus he has 3 medals, a first lieutenant insignia, ranger insignia, special forces insignia and 5 ribbons (Let's just say that the other soldiers and his friends were quite suprised, however shino, the girl who knocked out Zorzal, is not here yet, will be added to platoon later).

At the formation, there was a speech, assignment of ranks, itami drew attention AGAIN by being assigned a first lieutenant rank. there were also a few seargants, who were in the JSDF before.

The next day all of them were given their equipment and weaponry, ordered into trucks, APCs, Humvees, Tanks and etc. And then the president of Japan decided, it is a great fucking idea to make a speech. So here it is:

"My fellow japanese, whether you are a soldier, a respondent or a civilian you V každom to sleep untill it had it's revenge!"

And with that the president gave the order to go in. And the massive line of tanks, armored vehicles, trucks and soldiers went in. They rode and marched through the dark tunnel for about ten minutes, until they saw light. And at the end they rode out of another gate like structure, set inside a mountain wall. And they ended up on a hige hill top.

Thus day marked a new war...
11th day of the 4th month of the 1250th year, 11th april 1971. (And yes the saxolanian empire, as i named them is in the age of around 1960s but a bit different)

(Ok that's it, a bit shorter, but the next one will be long. So hope you enjoyed it, vote forbtge book, maybe give me a follow and now fuck off, bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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