Exploration and town

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"Madam Kommandant! What are we to do with what the enemy left here?" An officer asked Anna.

"Keep the ones that are not broken or look valuable. If locals will be willing, we could sell it. Tell the soldiers to collect as much as we can, Treat the wounded and repair broken mechs and vehicles. Start making a base and send out reconnaissance squad."

"Jawohl, madam Kommandant!" the officer saluted and left, to carry out given orders.

The soldiers did as told. They repaired broken mechs, Treated the wounded, buried the dead. As for the reconnaissane squad. It was decided that it is going to be Dubov's platoon. This platoon was selected for their professionality and expertise in reconnaissance and sabotage. And if needed, peace talks. They got ready, loaded a few trucks and prepared 5 mechs. 

After a 7 kilometer (4,4 miles) journey they came to a village. They saw the locals carrying boxes and bags around and loading them onto carts with soldiers helping them and a few guarding. When the soldiers saw the recon squad they all raised their weapons, ready to defend the village while the soldiers carrying boxes and bags were taking the villagefolks to safety.

"We are not here to fight or hurt you. We are but a Scout team." Said Dubov.

"You attacked our land!" said a village woman.

"We only retaliated after your empire attacked and tried to conquer us!" Said a scout.

The woman then turned to the soldiers.
"Is this true?"

"No-" A soldier tried to say but was cut off by his superior who confirmed the scout's words.

"Yes we did attack but we thought you were just like the rest of nations we conquered just in another world. But none of us could have even imagined what fighting you would be like. Your iron staves engraved in wood. Metal carriages riding on their own without using magic, and your walking iron beasts are like the worst of nightmares and yet all can be produced. When i first and only time tried to use your weapons , shooting three times, i was amazed." Said the superior soldier.

"We were also quite amazed to realize you have other species other than humans, we have none other, and magic! I thought it was a drea- wait, did you say you fired from our weapons?"

"Yes, around 100 were captured and sent to the best scholars if the empire along with three weapons that the walking beasts have just used by footsoldiers."

"Well shit."

After some talking and explaining, the recon squad helped the people load stuff onto carriages and set them to go. They also asked for a map in return of letting the village folk go back with them to alnus and help set up a base / town.

The way back has been uneventful, a few carriages broke down but the most important stuff was loaded onto the trucks and the rest were burned. When they got back the saxony-polanian soldiers were sceptixal mostly at the sight of saderan soldiers but once they found out they were born at the village they were allowed to stay, altho the commander of the saderans was questioned. The soldiers and young and middle aged men helped build the foundations of a town and a prosperous base.

Many more times locals from nearby villages were brought in to be Safe from bandits and to start a trading hub and also many locals came by themselves. After a month and a half tge place turned from once a scared battlefield to a prosperous town with many buildings and a large population. On the flat land under the hill were created fields patroled by saxony-polanian soldiers and a newly made militia from the soldiers of saderan empire and young men from the town, along with a mech for around a half of a squared kilometer (i am not putting here squared miles, look it up if you want).

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