The tank

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(Ok lads, this is the last chapter where it's just Saderan Empire and Saxony/polanian alliance)

[So what is the reason for you to call me here, Aschwein?]

"you see my king i made a plan for a  machine of war."Said Tesla

[And that would be?]

"The Landship."

[Well, shit.]

"You see i have come up with this plan"

Aschwen, an imperial scentist, showed the king a rhombus like shape with tracks along the entire rhombus shape on the sides. In the middle is a boxy hull. on the sideof the machine is a box with two cylinders inside and in the cylinders are 85mm anti-mech cannons. On both sides. And under the cannons are mounted machine guns. On top of the the hull is a small turret with twin-mounted heavy machine guns. The machine can be entered via a small door in the back eith the door protected by a light machine gun, or by a hatch in front and back of the small turret at the top of the Landship. (imagine a mark V with two cannon turrets instead of one, a machinegun turret on the top and some modifications).

[It is crewed by ten people.]

"Very good! We already have trains, automobiles, guns and other inventions from those engineers and scientists we captured but this! This is our own! but tell me, what powers it?" Said and asked the king.

[A what is called a ten cylinder engine and as such it can reach speeds of up to six miles per hour ] said the scientist. 

(also a side note, the Saderans will use miles per hour and the japanese and polanians and others allied with the japanese and polanians and saxonians will use kilometers per hour.)

"Very well, build it and test it out."commanded the king

[Yes your Majesty!]

And so a prototype was built and tested out. It was first put through an obstacle course and where it fuctioned quite well except, for the issue of 'it is super hot in this tank' because of the super large engine that makes a lot of heat. Then came the firing range test where it also fuctioned quite well, but it was decided that the twin machine guns at the top would be replaced for a machine gun and a 15mm anti-armour rifle. Then came the armor test which determined that the armor had to get thicker because the original 25mm's just wasn't enough and would pierce from one singular mech and cannon shot, so the armor was changed to a whopping 65mm's.

And finally, all the generals, soldiers, nobles and king himself liked it and was proud. So the Pattern 1 Landship, also called the Ptn 1, was put to produce. And let's just say that the Polanians and Saxonians were not very happy once they saw it. After this came also a small 'assault tank', which had tracks similar to that of the real life FT17 renault tank but  the tracks were longer and instead of a 360 turret it was a cannon with plating covering the front and little bit of the sides with 20mm armor. The assault tank, or as called Ptn 2, also had a light machine gun at the side of the plating and a medium machine gun at the back of the tank.

The saderans also had soldiers that did have rifles and no longer swords, but they still used trolls as 'Walkers', which is basicallz a reallz large juggernaut, they had 15mm armor plating covering them and a fully automatic heavy machinegun or a twin semi automatic 25-rounds-each 17mm anti-armor guns-or a 5 round bolt-action 55mm anti-mech cannon. 

(all of this information will be needed later, and i don't want to write it out there so i will just do these small notes and send you to this chapter to read up!)

This came only along the years with armored cars with different armaments and other own made weapons, thing happening in europe new mechs and weapons being made, energy ones coming out but used mostly in europe because the gate has weird effect of amking them fuck up. And also they are very expensive to make. The Alnuss City is growing and has become a basically a country district city witrh well over 50k people living in it. All just wondering what may come next.......................................

(ok i am wrapping it up here, if you want to see more give me a follow and fuck off, bye)

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