The other side

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•3rd person view•
The doors of the Gate-like structure opened and out came a man on a horse followed by  what looked to be an entire battalion of troops wearing ancient roman armor, equipped with rectengular bended shields of the same era and spears. yet the most bizzare was what came after them for the moment they came out around dozen and a half small dragons with riders! Following the soldiers were many more fantastical beings like goblins, orks and ogres with small catapults loaded with goblins on them (Picture the wierd ork-like creatures with catapults on their back from Hobbit: Battlefield of the three armies, just a bit smaller). After them came tall hooded figures with staffs as tall as a small mountain cottage, then came elfs with massive bows, their skin as darks as coal with blood red vein-like strings on their body and eyes the same color (these will be called corrupted elfs, as to how they were corrupted, that information will come in further in the story).

"These lands now belong to the saderan empire as it's new province! Submit yourselves or die!" The man on the horse, presumably a Commander of sorts, yelled.

"No! We shall not submit nor give you these lands! Leave or face the consequences!" Yelled Duisburg.

"Then die Barbarians! CHARGE!"
And with that Command All of the soldiers raised their shields and spears and charged at the saxony-polanian Lines. And so did the goblins, orks and ogres. The mages summoned fireballs and shot them at the saxons and polanians, the elfs raised their bows, chanted some sort of spell that lit up their arrows in a bluish fire, and released their arrows in a huge swarm that created more arrows from the spell.

"Kill them All!" Yelled Duisburg.

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Anna, take out those weird dragons!"

"Working on it!" After a few shots, Anna realised that She cannot penetrate dragons' scales, so She had to take out the riders which was Even harder than shooting the dragons.

"Wrooooaaaaar" Yes that was Wojtek charging at the enemy

"Why the fuck do they have a fucking Bear!?" Yelled out a saderan soldier before he was killed.

"Kill those orks with catapults!" Yelled a sergeant of saxony-polanian anti-mech gunners. 

*thud* *thud* *thud* *explosion sounds*

"What are those!?" Yelled out a Saderan soldier as he pointed to a few mechs.

*machine gun fire in the distance*

The mechs have just started to arrive and kill more of the saderan forces. The Pzm-9s or as they were called "Straznik"s and Pkp.- 17 a.k.a. "Eisenhans"es were killing of the soldiers, goblins and a few mages that got a bit cocky and did not put up shields. The Pzm-7s a.k.a. "Smialy"s and KS-78 a.k.a. "Isegrim"s were killing of the orks and ogres, Pzm-16s a.k.a. "Zółw"s and were bombarding the elves. and the SLL-33s a.k.a. "Erlkönig"s were bombarding and killing Big orks with catapults and mages. This battle soon turned into a slaughter of the saderan forces out of which a few, along with the commander, surrendered. The surrendered forces turned out to be only around 50 soldiers including the commander.

The soldiers were questioned and what they said was weird but a bit unsuprising. They have said that they hail from an empire called the saderan empire spaning almost the entire continent called falmart that is as large as eurasia. Theire gate is negraved to the side of a mountain. East, north east and south east is the same mountain range. Weyt and north west is a large plain. South are more mountains, and a few ten miles east over the mountain range is the capital of the saderan empire, the city of Sadera. They also gave the information that a large army is waiting for them to come back.

(here is a map i found you can find it by looking up saderan empire geography)

With this information the allied forces of saxony, Polania and The factory started preparing, Duisburg ordered for a telefram to be sent to saxony talking about all that has happened but saying that only the highest of officials should know this i...

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With this information the allied forces of saxony, Polania and The factory started preparing, Duisburg ordered for a telefram to be sent to saxony talking about all that has happened but saying that only the highest of officials should know this information.

Around 30 minutes later prince Wilhelm called for all soldiers to come to the city square where he announced what they have learned from the captured soldiers. And there was also antoer annoucment.

"People of Saxony and Polania these soldiers came here with not the intentions of peace or prosperity but with the intentions of harm, conquest and enslavement and they think that we will allow this. Will we?! Will we allow them to take our lands, plunder our homes and enslave our people?! Tell me, will we?!"


"this empire of theirs could have came here with ideals of peace and prosperity and yet they came here with ideals of death and destruction! And so, in the name of all mankind we must revenge the fallen and put this empire in their place! We must free the lands they have conquered in their world for it is only righteous! We will cross this gate and we will fight for freedom!!"

This speech was given by both Prince Wilhelm and Anna Kos. It was recorded and sent to all radio stations in europe. This speech later started to take shape as more and more people started to volunteer to fight for what was right and a massive allied army started to group up before the gate.

§around 4 months later§

It was August 15th 1920 when the army fully got together. The plans were made and soldiers trained. It was decided that only around a third of the 25 000 soldiers that gathered would go so a force of 8 500 it was. And one of those soldiers was a young lad names Tomasz Dubov. He was trained to be a simple rifleman but turned out to be a great soldier and came to be promoted to a corporal thanks to some great ideas of sabotage against the fenris forces that attacked a few times. He also turned out to be a great leader and a tacticiam which was one of the reasons for promotion. Now he was in command of a well-experienced grenadier group and was second in command of a platoon and standing in a formation ready to enter the gate.

"Soldiers! Get ready for you are the ones to enter and fight for the alliance of Saxon empire and the republic of Polania! I do not know what lies ahead but i know that we can defeat it! So charge forth in the name of the alliance. Your weapons are new, so may be some changes to the mechs but that does not matter as long as we achieve the defeat of our enemy! You all have been told the truth about what is supposed to be out there, so you know what to expect, but you need to know that the best way to go is to not annihilate the enemy but rather take. And as such your orders have changed. Bring the Saderan empire to its knees, so we can claim it as ours!" The speech was given by prince Wilhelm of Saxony, a person that all started to see as their leader after the alliance made between Polania and Saxony that looks more like a union since the governments have created a council of sorts to rule the 'north central alliance'.

And with this speech the army moved through the opened gates. They of course had trucks with them to carry the equipment. They walked and rode for about good 5 minutes untill they reached the end. When they got out they were greeted by a beautiful mountain side, but most importantly, an army ready to fight. The moment they left the structure , the saderan forces immidietaly attacked them. The Alliance forces were caught off guard but they retaliated quickly enough. The battle carried on for a good while. The guns of the lost were starting to go missing but no one noticed as the fight carried on. The tables turned quite quickly as the saderan forces had to retreat after losing a half of their forces, a hundred thousand, the saderans retreated.

The saderans were defeated but the alliance forces have suffered some casualties and quite a few major injuries.

The commander was giving out orders, receiving reports and doing other things when the armory head officer came to his tent.

"Sir, reporting, sir"

"very well, i am listening"

"I am sorry to say this but we lost around 50 rifles, 7 machineguns, 12 submachineguns and a handheld cannon are missing. Along with some tools and equipment."

"What do you mean its missing?!"

"Its just missing. But i have theory you will not like....."

"You think the enemy took them right?"

"An injured soldier told me he saw an enemy taking another soldier's rifle."

"Well shit"

(Ok folks this chapter is finished and i know it took three parts but i didnt have the time because of a lot of exams and my fat ass buying two new video games. And i also got ill so i had to heal up. Ok see ya next time. words: 1519)

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