Events in between

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(Ok so this is a chapter that will only say some major happenings between the chapter named "The tank" and the next chapter which will be the arrival of the jsdf)

11th day of the 6th month of the 1204th year of the Imperial calendar, June 11th 1923

The Saderans Finnish counquering the Northern bunny warrioir tribes

12th day

The northern mines are estabilished.

15th day of the 9th month

The saderans make a design for a large warship equipped with 21 85mm all purpose cannons (the cannons can be used for both artillery and antimech purposes)

28th day of the 7th month of the 1207th year (the years add up like ours do, 365 days is a year here)

The Saxony polanian allaince rolled out their new dreadnought class warships

31st day of the 8th month

The first fleet is beginning construction in a port in a Saxony polanian aliance made port

7th day of the 9th month 

the first guns arrive to the port and along with the parts for a new light destroyer name Huragan, thus making a new smaller, faster ship armed with a twin 105 mm cannon turret at the front, two twin 85 mm cannon turrets at the back and on each side  and all throughout the ship are placed anti-air machine gun positions.

October 3rd 1926 

the first milestone in the saxony polanian alliance navy in sadera: The first ship, a destroyer and the first coast patrol ship is launched into the sea with its 90 crew members, and are doing their first training

december 15th 1926

Since Ariships are hard and costly to build the Alliance has decided to start a defferent aircraft design, the plane. The orders for making plans and prototypes given. The first prototype was of a biplane, by saxonians called zweidecker [pronounced tswaidecker], it had a long thin block shape with one with at the front bottom just behind the engine section and above the open cockpit was a another long wing. The airframe was also a bit curved to make a bit more aerodynamic. The design was quite good but it was improved by a polish design making the plane larger and thus able to carry bombs. A captured saderan wyvern pilot also suggested putting another cockpit in the back to be able to have a machine gun in there. And so the prototype was made. It flew quite well and since it was fitted with 8mm steel armor plates it was quite sturdy and well defended.

25th day of the 2nd month of the 1208th year

The saderans have seen a new enemy: The all purpose Airplane. They have managed to shoot down just one but it was too damaged to be reverse engineered. However the empire did manage to shoot down quite a few "airships" as they were called and decided to reverse enginner those. The concept was simple and good but getting the gasses to fill the tanks with was hard. They did realise they were able to harvest this "helium" gas because it was produced by a certain underwater fungus that was thus named the helio-shroom by the farmers. It was quickly put into massive lake farms. The first airships were medium sized at arounf 60 feet long, the had many aa machiune guns and two aa cannons, one on the front and one on tha back. They also fitted with "air to groung mortars" that could bombard the enemy on the ground.  These became the foundation of the airfleet, The Air frigates.

9th day of the 3rd month

The saderans armored their old warships by adding onto them steel armor plates and started making steam ships made of metal. The ships are still of the line (which means cannons stacked in rows) but the cannon openings were made larger to allow the cannons better aim and to allow the barrel to move.

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