Drider!Brothers and Reader

480 17 11

Inspired by alysaj615's prompt.


WARNING: I have included spider pictures as references for the driders at the bottom of this one-shot. If you do not like/tolerate the sight of different spider species, do not continue past the major dotted line.

"No..." I coughed in the darkness, blinking harshly from the sudden change of lighting as I felt dust settle on and around me, "No...! Help!"

I scrambled to press the power button on my headlamp, the beam flickering to light and sweeping towards the now-collapsed entrance that I had used, dust and rubble still settling from the sudden quake. What once had been the ceiling was now sealing me inside the intricate cave system, my foolish impulse to research more into a molt sample leaving me completely separated from those I had been employed with.

"Guys, can you hear me?!" Panic began to set in as I choked on decades-old dust and ash, my eyes straining to see anything within the dim beam of light, "...guys..."

I could feel the walls press in on all sides, my mind screaming at me that they inched closer while my fingers dug at the collapse site, sinking my fingers into the powdery silt and scooping out handfuls that kicked up into a bigger cloud. My eyes teared up at the sudden accumulation, inhaling the silt unexpectedly and sent into a coughing fit that wracked my body with pain.

I couldn't do anything. I lost my way out.

This place was new; recently discovered. No one knew how deep this cave system went.

How many people died in caves yearly? How many were explorers that were ready for this kind of situation?

What if there was some creature ready to devour my guts? The molt came from something, and I had found it here. Large creature; large spider.

My thoughts devolved into chaos, panic fueling my legs as I suddenly took off deeper into the tunnel. There must be an exit somewhere else, right?

A left, curving right, steep left climb, heavy silk. Stuck. Web?


I struggled against the webbing, expecting it to snap readily since I was much larger than any prey it should be eating.

My shoulder twisted as I attempted to pull my left arm off of the web, straining before my muscles twitched and sent my limb snapping back into the neutral position that it was in when I ran into the web. I whimpered, tugging harder as I braced my feet on the ground; the web stuck to my skin felt like super glue as I partially gave up on freeing myself with brute force. The strength of the web was too strong for me to break without any tools.

Looking around the area, the headlamp illuminated what would've been a tranquil scene had I not been stuck: green moss grew all around the floor and walls, the tunnel opening up into a rather large cavern that had some ambient light from the moss.

What froze my blood was the drawn out creaking noise.

Something had moved, possibly the owner of the web that I was now stuck in.

Hesitantly, I glanced upwards while keeping my head completely still.

A thin leg stepped to my left, another to my right. A spider was crawling down its web to see what it had caught...but the size of it was too big. Just the first segment of leg was the length of my entire leg.

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