Brothers and Sister!Reader

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Osomatsu giggled like a buffoon as he slowly pulled open the forbidden drawer, someone groaning in exasperation behind him.

"I'm not taking the blame for this dumb idea."

"It's only dumb if we get caught," The eldest barely rolled his eyes as his fingers plucked the soft fabric from its resting place, the pure white dye catching the men's eyes in wonder.

How could something so pure be pressed against such a provocative thing?

"Great. We looked," The speaker from before sounded much more uncomfortable, "Now can we go?"

"Come on. She always wears such form-fitting clothes and we're all curious what it's like to wear them."

"She is our sister! Not some woman that we don't know!"

Osomatsu grabbed a neatly folded shirt and threw it at the third-eldest, cutting him off, "You're the one that's gonna bust us. Sis is at work, so we've got some time before she comes home."

Choromatsu yelped quietly as the thrown fabric unraveled itself and draped over his head and upheld arm, staring at the fashion shirt with wide eyes, seeing the ceiling light through the material, "What the...this is rice-paper thin!"

"I know, right?" The eldest laughed, drawing Choromatsu's attention to the tight shirt pressing against his undershirt. His hands lifted up to his breasts, "I wonder if these stretch out with boobs..."

With a furious blush, Choromatsu waded the shirt up into a ball and slammed it into Osomatsu's face, dragging a surprised exclamation from him before he fell to the floor, "Take that off!"

"It's just clothes, Fappymatsu. We've worn women's clothing before, so why is her clothing off-limits?" Ichimatsu reached into the same drawer and brought out what looked to be denim jeans, shaking them out to reveal the denim short skirt, "Even trannies wear this kind of stuff."

"But..." The third eldest could only watch in a stupor as the oldest and fourth brother proceeded to don full outfits, his hands limp at his sides.

"Relax, Fappymatsu," Todomatsu piped up behind him, bringing out his phone and snapping some pictures as the two crossdressers began to pose for the camera, "She won't know that we did this. Besides, she wears our clothes all the time."

"Wearing our hoodies and shirts is different than--what are you doing?!"

The shout was directed at Jyushimatsu, the wild brother having taken off all his clothes and slid on the white bra from earlier, the stupidly-infectious smile turned Choromatsu's way, "Muscle holders!"

He flexed his arms and chest, the fabric straining to stay clasped on as he posed every which way. The cups of the bra were firm, staying upright despite Jyushimatsu's pectorals barely filling them.

Choromatsu's face flushed at the thought of the bra flexing around supple breasts, a trickle of warmth ebbing from his nose.

"Hah!" Todomatsu teased, "Big brother Choromatsu has a nosebleed!"

"N-no, I don't!" He pressed his hand against a nostril, feeling it become slick with blood.

Osomatsu wrapped an arm behind Choromatsu's neck, slightly bending him over as a wide smile spread on his lips, "You know you wanna try this on..."

The eldest held up a hanger with a slim dress hanging over it, the green color mixing perfectly with the blue against the black background. Their sister had worn this at her high school reunion and the sextuplets all agreed that she looked good in it.

"...only to get you pieces of shit off my back," Choromatsu closed his eyes as he pulled off his green hoodie, unbuttoning his white shirt and dropping his pants. The other brothers waited with baited breath as he pulled the dress over his head and let the stretchy fabric fall around him.

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