Baby (Dean Winchester x reader)

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Hey Babes, this one is a Long one. I had fun writing it. To be honest I'm trying to take my time, edit and what not. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the spice. Does take awhile but if you're into a good set up you may like it.
If you're here for the spicy *TIME SKIP AFTRR DINNER* is where it begins.

The impala rumbled as it sped along the narrow road. Dean sat beside me driving, all eyes on the road ahead. He wasn't speaking to me at the moment. I guess some would say rightfully so. I forgot his apple pie and proceeded to try to make it up with blueberry, of which spilled. Getting all over the inside of the car. We stopped at two different diners to look for Apple pie but nothing. All cobblers and tarts. This was a simple thing to bicker about. A great distraction if you will.

In my opinion we had bigger fish to fry, I cheated on him. Granted I thought he was dead, that's what happens when you watch the love of your life get stabbed to death right in front of you. You grieve and you try your best to move on. Sam had a hard time while I did what I could, which means I ignored the feeling and kept myself very busy. Dean was mad because it took me 2 years to "get over him." Which is wrong. I'm not over him.


"Save it." Dean cut me off, his voice cold. I leaned my head up against the window trying to keep the tears at bay. I couldn't blame him for how he felt. He walked into our home, while my new fling was making me the main course on the kitchen counter.

"What was I supposed to do?" I mumbled, Dean's jaw clinched. "Was I supposed to wait for you?" My voice quivered but it was louder. More direct. Dean looked as if he was about to speak but I didn't let him. "Normally and maybe this is just me being used to NORMAL people shit. But when someone gets stabbed that's it. Game over. Your done dude. I had no fucking idea you had the slightest chance of coming back." At this point I was just vomiting up words. We had sat in silence for so long that the anger and need to explain myself just flowed out of me. "I understand and see why you think being mad at me is okay but from my point of view. I thought dead meant fucking dead." Ending my rant I waited for a reply.

"So you didn't try anything? That wasn't you selling your soul?" His tone softened slightly.

"I asked Bobby if there was anyway I could get you back. I begged him and he told me what's done was done. That not even selling my soul could bring you back. I did ask Crowley but refused to make any deal with me. Said the same thing that Bobby did." I was new at this, hunting and supernatural bull shit wasn't exactly a legacy of mine or a torch passed down from father to son. I learned a year after quitting hunting that you could indeed sell your soul but I was too scared. It felt wrong.

"You didn't try to speak to Sam or Cas?"

"You know how Sam and I are. Things got really awkward after you left. Got too sappy for my taste. It didn't help I couldn't ride along in Baby without sobbing." I patted the dashboard of the 1967 impala. Feeling a part of me want to tear up, but no sir not right now. "As for Cas. He stayed with me for the first few months without you. While I was in my 'I can't live without you' phase. These days I don't see him very often." Dean nodded his head and hesitantly reached out, looking away from the road for a second. I scooted myself closer to him, his hand was warm on my thigh as his fingers spread and gathered into a gentle squeeze. I placed my hand on top- watching as a gentle smile crept across his face.

"You are all I have thought about for the last 2 years. What you saw-and god I know that's the last thing you ever wanted to see." I choked back on those tears I mentioned earlier. I still wasn't ready for him to see them. "Meant nothing to me."

"Sounded like you were really enjoying nothing." I could hear the betrayal he felt. I couldn't blame him for feeling the way he did. Hell if I were to be dead and then come back again, walk in on him getting some sloppy top from a whore. I'd do exactly what he did. Except she'd be in the back yard pushing daisies."Regardless, interesting way to grieve."

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