We'll finish this later (Jax Teller x reader)

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Long time no see reader. I haven't done this for awhile so forgive me. I started watching SOA again and just had to let lose. This one's a long one but I tried my hardest to make it make zero sense. A plot that has no point except for sex. Lol.
Charming, California. Never thought I would be back here. Family and I moved when things got dirty. Dad had been a friend of the club for years, grew up with all the original members of the Sons of Anarchy. But something made him run, never asked why just accepted it. For me this was my last choice, one night I decided to throw a dart at a map of California and somehow it landed right on Charming. Just my luck.

Those were the thoughts I had as I turned into Teller-Morrow automotive repair shop. Driving up the only face that felt somewhat familiar was Clay's, granted the only thing that had changed about him was the fact that his hair had become completely white, his face touched by age and dusted with the lightest touches of white facial hair.

Closing the door of my truck, a tallish guy with unkempt medium length dirty blonde hair walked up to me. His face was stumbled with the attempts of a beard and a strong jawline that could cut. In all honesty he wouldn't be a bad ride I thought.

"What can I do for you?" He said his voice somewhat rough.

"I've got a 1993 softail custom heritage that is refusing to start for me. I've tried everything." She was my mom's bike, my dad got rid of his once we moved but mom had a love for motorcycles and bought one behind his back. Birch white, teal, and covered with sweet memories.

"I'll see what I can do." He said as he began to guide the bike off the trailer. Walking around with him I spotted Clay, his eyes met mine and he started walking over to me. I met him half way and greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Well well well. Look who's back in Charming. (first and last name)." A part of me felt a cold shiver run down my spin, the last time I heard him say my name was NO don't think of that. "How ya been?" I tensed as he pulled me into a tight hug, his embrace catching me off guard.

"Life's been going along slowly in all honesty just here visiting." I lied as Clay nodded his head in response before I could ask him how he was doing he said.

"How's your Daddy do'n?" My heart nearly stopped. I miss you.

"He actually died about a year ago." I said nearly chocking on my words. He was the most difficult one to get over, after my mom passed dad felt the need to get away. He told me to never come back to Charming unless my life depended on it and in some way I guess it did.

"I'm sorry to hear that. He was a great man." Clay replied in a low tone. I could hear the sadness he felt, though a part of me felt like it was an act. He was always lying. "Who's bike you got there?"

"It's mine actually. Mom gave it to me, my dad gave it up but mama had a love for them. Never could let go."

"Good to know." Clay had a wide grin on his face. "Why don't you come and join us tonight. Having a club party. Could be fun? Reconnect with some old friends." He jokingly tapped on my arm with his fist mimicking punches. I laughed and nodded.

"I'll have to take you up on that." I said as the man from before came up to Clay.

"Hey Jax," Clay yelled, the man from earlier blonde with the hot jawline's head popped out from one of the garage stalls.

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