Drunk Thoughts Sober Actions (Sam Winchester x reader)

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Hey there my lovely reader now I know supernaturals old news but I'm still obsessed so I'm going to continue.

"(Y/n)" a voice rang out from the clouds chanting my name. How sweet but also terrifying that a voice on high would know my name. Suddenly the earth began to shake, light kept through my eyes.

"Come on princess wake up." Dean said shaking me awake. I groaned and stretched as Dean's annoying smile entered my view. "Welcome to the land of the living." He chuckled.

"Meanie I was sleeping." I whined. Yawning and slumping over, my head hitting the front seat of the impala."Where are we?" I grumbled standing up, feeling my muscles tense from the lack of movement for so long.

"Motel, unless you want to come with me to get some grub." I shook my head and began to make my way towards the trunk.

"Already in the room, hun." I threw a thumbs up in the air and abruptly turned back to the motel. Dean wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.  "You gonna be alright?" I gave him a gentle squeeze, and kept my head down. "You sure? He maybe my brother but I'll give Sam a nice beat down if you want me to." I pulled away from Dean, chuckling.

"I don't even think Sam recognizes what he's done." Dean nodded in response and patted me on the back.

"You got this. I'll be gone for awhile so whatever you two need to iron out. Here's your chance." I felt a twinge of jealousy in his voice. I know how Dean feels about me, but in all honesty I can't help but see him as a brother. With Sam it's different.

I've known the Winchesters most of my life, their dad took me in after my parents were killed in action. Skinwalker case gone wrong. After Sam left for college I also took that as my cue to leave, except unlike Sam I actually graduated with a degree in anthropology specializing in Folklore and mythologies, with a minor in religious studies. Pretty useful if I do say so myself.

Inside the red light distract themed motel room, Sam was sat on the couch a bottle of whiskey on the table. He let out a big sigh as I plopped down onto the couch, making sure to keep a good amount of distance away from him.

"They say it's not healthy to drink alone. Want some company?" Sam turned to face me, a gentle grin complimented his strong jaw. He handed me the bottle without a word, so we began to drink.



Mistake number one of the night; getting drunk on an empty stomach. Dean wasn't helping, taking as long as he was getting whatever kind of grub it was.

"Nerd" I said playfully punching Sam shoulder, he crumbled in defeat and laughed heartily. Whatever's in this whiskey it's brought some goofy shit outta us. We were much closer at this point, my knee was just a baby's breathe away from touching his leg. Every now and again he would twitch and touch me, holding it there for a second just to move back again. I knew this game it was a more silent way of flirting. I took the whiskey bottle from the table and took a mighty mouthful into my gullet, whining and scrunching up my face as it went down my throat. 

"Hey who are you calling nerd. I'm not the one with a full folklore degree." Sam laughed pushing my shoulder, in retaliation I slang back hitting him on the shoulder again. He started to fight back, blocking my light jabs.

"At least I had the balls to finish" I snapped as Sam threw a cushion at me, catching it I threw it right back at him. "Ugh you're so mean to me!" Sam grabbed hold of my right wrist on a pretty sneak move if I do say so myself. Then catching the left he smirked. My heart skipped a beat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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