Our last day

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„I personally never ,since I could remember , had a day off. I always loved my job and dedicated my time to it. My life depended on it. I was well known all around my state and well respected by many. If you ever needed me I would always be found in my office or in action. I would always have something to do. My partner was always there for me and I was there for him. We were like brothers. I felt safe beside him even if I never told him this anyways. He understood me the best and I was always relying on him if in need. However there were things I never could hear him say. He never swore and his words were always just and right. His way of thinking was far away from mine and it's true that I envied him for this. ..." The silence around me was killing me. I had to speak. The look in the man's face was waiting for me to explain myself. The room was heavy and I was sweating from the pressure. I took a deep breath and even if I wanted to refresh my mind, it was impossible, I had to speak.

"Yes, it is true, I was a little jealous, because he was so well behaved and even if I was better than him, I was sorry. I had everything I wanted and still.. I was jealous of the way he could take days off, the way he could be a nobody and be like a normal human being without so much work. He.. He was there when I decided to accept this case. I wanted something big, hard and dangerous. I was cruel and unjust with him. I knew what that case was going to get me in trouble and even involved with some hard things. But I swear I never wanted this, I wanted justice, for everyone!" I got up from my chair with anger and no hope on my face. He watched me in silence. Looked through me with his empty eyes. I could not bear it. He saw right through me and out of nowhere started talking. He had a voice that I recognized easily, but impossible to say who it was.

"If my information's are correct, you were with him that day, right? He was supposed to come and get you from your house first thing in the morning and then leave together to the crime scene! Is this true?" He watched me from his notebook. He knew All I had to say was "Yes" Because he was right. I nodded my head and he continued his talk. I felt ashamed of myself. I knew who I was but since that day no longer.

"Now tell me, my dear, in detail all the things you did that day. Every step you took, every time you went to the bathroom and so on"

I looked into his eyes, even tho' they were hard to see, but I could feel them burn my skin looking for answers. My body was a piece of paper and all over it was written my story. My life, my family and my time was all on my skin. "Well. I woke up at 3:45, I remember this, because my alarm woke me up and I threw my phone across the room so I had to take my second one. I broke it. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and dressed myself. I wanted to take breakfast but I was not hungry I just drank a cup of coffee and sat on the couch reading case details. As I was scrolling through the papers, I noticed something strange: the crime place was clean, strangely clean. Just blood on the floor and a handprint on the wall. It made me believe it was unusual and strange. No fighting signs, nothing moved from its place and no breakthrough .It was not matching. As I was thinking and waiting he came. He honked twice, our sign that it was him and I got out. I got into the car and the next thing I remember we were rolling on the road. I believe the time was 4:55 when I left. At 6:20 we were half the way to the crime scene. By the 8:30 we were there." I leaned back on my chair and got more confortable. He did the same. His eyes were looking straight at me not giving me a breack. He was judging he probably thought I was a coward and a bad person. I knew the truth he did not had to remind me. I took another deep breath and he noded for me to continue my story.

"The crime scene was awfully clean as I said, no marks, no clues, nothing. A victim shot 5 times in the upper body :3 long distance, 2 close range. It was weird and unusual. However the 5th bullet was the one who completely killed the victim. The first 3 hit his ribcage and got stuck on his lung, without causing to much damage. The other 2, in the other hand. These were different and by a different caliber. The first 3 were shot by a military weapon, a long range one, an HK G3 sniper Riffle and the other two were unidentified. However the caliber was 44 mm. A powerful weapon if you ask me. The problem was that they are illegal and probably impossible to find unless you knew the right people.

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