The survivor 3

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My body was aching all over. I could feel my spine twisted on a hard surface. My muscles were stiff and even a little rusty. I could feel my joints screaming under the pressure. I tried to move a little in my semi-conscience state. It was hard. I could barely move my arms and a little bit my right leg. After some effort I managed to open my eyes. They hurt and were teary. The place I found myself in was dark and small at least for my height.  It felt so uncomfortable and so itchy that I wanted to break free. However I didn't knew where I was so I stayed still. I could feel myself being in motion. I was scared and wished from all my heart that everything was just in my head. I could feel the pressure I was in: the 2  deaths, the last moments that I had, my suicide and my new beginning. It all happened so fast that I could explode from all the events that occurred lately.
I woke up once again, but this time in a different place. It was light around me. I was comfortable and even I could smell the sweetest thing: food. I looked around, I was in a room, somewhere in a tent or something, laying in an improvised bed made of some old hammock and some sticks. I got up and walked to the only door I could see. The room was not so big and quite empty. The only furniture was a table put in the corner and full of meds and other supplies.
The sun was bright and the weather was hotter than usual, at least for me. I took a look around me and found myself in  a colony. Humans were all around me. They could have been at least one hundred or even more. A little boy saw me and started running towards a big cabin . Animals like cows, horses and even some sheep were spread around the territory. It was an mesmerizing view. I absolutely could not believe my eyes. After so many years of searching for a life point, I finally found it, or maybe it found me.
-How you like my creation, sir? A voice came from behind a bush and soon a huge black man came out and shacked my hand
-How...How did you do this? My voice was shaky and the sounds of it uneven
-Well, it was a lot of work but with the help of my own desires and God himself I made it. I hope you like it. Do you want a tour?
This unknown man was talking to me about hope and God, but I knew that survival instinct was the one who made him do it all. I felt my body shrinking. His presence was for sure impressive but yet almost impossible not to notice. I accepted his offer and soon found myself wondering on 500 meters of land, far away from the sea and with a panoramic view of it all and even the mountains. I had no idea where I was but I felt safe for sure. Everything was amazing; the whole place was insane and even better: built on the top of a mountain. The weather was usually good and it made the placement even better.
I stayed there for almost 6 months. I got to know, Guru(the leader and the big black man) and the others. However I was never made to stay safe in the mountains. I still needed to find the creature that killed my wife and my friends. Soon revenge took place in my veins. I wanted more and more. I was getting excited for every exit of our camp, but sadly we could hardly see some Zombies. I was getting more and more angry. My pulse was getting higher than ever every time I was thinking about it.
Guru was the first one to notice and soon, after some amends we decided that it was better for me to become an explorer and return to camp once in a while. That was all I needed. Soon I was already far gone and after some time left. I wanted to find a way of being myself and escaping all of the things that made me depend on those people. I felt bad for what I have left behind, the place that for 6 months become my home.
I could not see any humans for a long period of time and rarely returned to the camp. Slowly I started evaporating away from the village. Guru was the last person alive that I talked with. I never forgot him and what he have done for me on those 6 months. The way he gave me a home and made me part of his community. I felt really good among them all  and even sometimes wished to not leave. Yet my decision was final.
Time flied fast and after 2 months I was once again free and could be myself. The play of good boy made my head ache and my body freeze. I needed my violence back, that feeling that I felt on that day , the day of my new beginning. I needed to feel free, to be a leaf on the wind, a little particle of dust on a dessert. I needed to blend in with myself and with all the feelings I still had remaining.
I searched for the creature days after days, until I would literally drop unconscious on the ground. I needed to find it, to kill it, to make it suffer. I liked the thought of it dead at my legs. Killed by only my hands and without any help from anyone, with no way of escaping me. It was crazy and I liked it. I needed that dose of adrenaline from this. I needed that creature dead. Even without actually killing it empty handed I still wanted murder.
All this time, the enemy was hiding in plain sight and I , like a blind person , never saw the signs and I lived to soon regret it all. Somehow I started deteriorating my way of thinking, being alone was really bad for me and my health got worse.
I was out of control, I had a side darker than I could ever imagine. All this craziness....I LOVED IT. I started killing everything that I could fing, Zombies, UEC's and even an human once. It was like I was flying, all hose corpses were amazingly wonderful. Death, dead and dead again, it was my friend, my only way of seeing things. I NEEDED more, I WANTED more.
While running through the path I made myself, I saw what seemed like a human being. My senses amplified and the next moment I was sprinting towards the silhouette. The more I was closer, the more I saw the little boy smiling at me, with his pure eyes and with that pathetic face he made every day. The memories of before came back and they hit me like a truck. My rage was shrinking and a wave of heat came through my entire body. I was strong and by the time I reached the kid, I was again a loser. I stopped in front of him and could not move. I looked in terror at him: the same little  boy that I saw dying once. His smile, way of sitting and even clothes were there, present in my mind and in front of me. The sound of his screaming, his bones being eaten and broken was raging through my ears. He was controlling me. I had to escape this memory. He was dead, DEAD. And forever on the other side.
The kid looked at me and when I heard his voice, my body instinctually froze. I was out cold and impossible to make the smallest movement:
-Hello, can you help me, sir? He cried with his face full of tears. I got lost by my parents and have nowhere to go.
His voice terrified me. He was the same kid me and Her found and took in for care.
-I..I do not know ....Do you not remember me, little one? His eyes got bigger and the next second he stopped crying. The look on his face was unreadable. The adrenaline was pumping in my veins like crazy and the awkward situation I was in made it worse.
-He...hehe..hehehe. He started laughing like crazy. His face got even more disturbing than it was until then. Well then, sir. Because you had the audacity to destroy my moment, and oh! how beautiful would it have been if you just went with it! Ohhh! He sat down an his stomach and the next thing I saw was absolutely digusting. His back started bopening and his spine was breaking with every little movement it made. The sounds were unbearable and absolutely terrifying. A terrible roar came from within his body and my feet started moving on the opposite direction the next second.
I could hardly see it from the place I was in. I was trembling and he adrenaline that was pumping through my veins was absolutely making me crazy. I needed to make a move on the creature. It was there I could hear it but it was hard to see it. I crawled away from it and started running in the middle of the road to a safer place. I looked behind me for a split second and I saw it. Huge, unimaginable ugly with blood coming out of every orifice it had. His teeth were huge and the mouth was so big that it could be seen from tree ways. His arms were insanely small and his legs were long and skinny. The eyes, white and huge with 2 pupils of a dark color. The way it ran was at a speed that could easily be measured.
However it still looked human, it had something in it that remembered me of myself. Because of my watch on it I tripped over a dead body and fell to the ground. I looked at the body and then again at the creature. It was right there, in front of me and it was smiling the ugliest smile ever saw.
-LOOK AT mEee Daaad. Do ypou th-think I a-a-am cute? Come on! Say s-so-something!
The way he looked at me and the way he sounded was identic with the look my wife had when I first herd she was pregnant. I tried to speak but all I could say were empty words, words without any logic or meaning
-I, you, her, killed. I-she-you-kid-care-why? And the last word started coming out of my mouth like crazy, tears came out of my eyes and my knees fell deeper in the ground. WHY WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY ?WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY WHY WHY? HWY? HWY? WHY? WHY? WHY ?WHY ?WHY?
-How can you be so miserable, father? Y-you were s-so angr-y at me for killing mom, but she deserved it. That son of a bitch, the whole and the jackass she was. Look, she deserved it and we both know it. S-she , s-she was th-e one who want-ted this. She deserved it! YOU KIllEeed herr, y-you also des-serve t-to d-dd-die!
I could hear his words, but I did not know what he sais. The craziness that I once had for killing him was eager to come at the surface. I needed something to kill that son of  a bitch. I did not kill my wife, I NEVER DID. She was the one who decided to KILL herself. He came closer and I could hear his breath and his throat making all the sounds that I could ever imagine. I searched the space with my eyes and did not find anything near. I panicked, I needed to find something and fast. He came closer, he touched me.... Its touch was cold and senseless that I almost forgot everything that happened until then.
I graved the nearest foot I found, broke it to the bone and shoved it in its throat. It screamed and I got the chance to run. I ran and ran and the creature was behind me , running with the foot wiggling around in his neck.
I do not know how long I ran, but I knew one thing, my gun was in my hideout. I got there as fast as I could and took it, loaded it and with my entire heart pounding, gasping for air and my eyes red because  of the lack of oxygen I got out and started shooting it. I shot it on its legs, arms and even body but it was to fast. It took a jump and on the next second was on top of me, growling and scratching my skin. It hurt so bad that I wanted to scream. I aimed my gun at its heart and shot. I missed the first one and gave the creature a chance to bite me. My skin ripped, blood was everywhere, my bones were cracking under its teeth and its tongue was so huge and hard that from only one bite, my arm was gone. The pain was immense and I could hardly move . The weight of the creature was pressing down on me. I shot again without thinking and it fell down on me. It was heavy and absolutely grotesque. It smelled awful and reeked of as death and blood. I collapsed under its weight and fainted because of the blood loss.
I woke up the next day, the smell was awful and impossible to bear. I tried to get up, it was painful and somehow I managed to do it. My arm hurt and blood was still flowing out of it. With my last will to live and powers to continue doing it I went away of the body. I bandaged my shoulder and looked at the dead body that sat there. I tried to remember what happened and all I could remember was the fight. The words and the way I almost lost control over myself. I killed it, I was able to kill it with a gun shot. I  could not believe it. It was almost to good to be true. It for sure was weird. It seemed to easy and too weird and wrong. I felt that somehow I won without actually winning.
I left just for some minutes to get some food and by the time I got back the creature was gone. I knew it was there somewhere, looking at me, and my arm was at him. I knew that after all this time it will always come back, that my past will always come back and haunt me. I knew what will happen with me and my mind. It will manipulate me it will haunt me and even kill me if it has the occasion. But it will do it slowly so I can suffer for ever, that I can always be afraid of the dark and the sounds it could make. "
I never slept again, never saw the world the same and by the time I was old enough to be almost dead and lost my sanity soon after. This was the last recording of me alive. I hope that the one that finds it knows that I am dead, knows that I got killed by the creature and listens to this:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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