My perfect family

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"I wish I could say I am proud of what I did, of what I saw. I wish she was here. She would have known what to do in this situation . I am panicking and I have no idea what truly happened that day. I have so many regrets and I wish I could have been in her place.
I met her for the first time in college and our love life started to form fast. I was walking in the cemetery, going to put some flowers at my mother's grave. I still remember how I saw her. She was so cute, with such a beautiful hair and smile that I had fallen immediately.
From there we in the fastest way possible got closer. At first the only time I could see her was at night. And because her house was to close  to mine, we always hanged out near the cemetery. It was fun. My whole world was with her. I could feel that I wanted to be there with the love of my life.
I liked her and she liked me back that was the only thing that mattered. Now.. she was no longer here with me, she would have been proud with me, she would have loved me more for what I have done, for what I have become.
Our wedding is my favorite part in our life. She was the most beautiful girl I knew and the owner of my heart. She was so beautiful in white. I knew she should always be mine, no matter what. At the altar I was finally awake, I knew she was the one the moment she said I do.
The party after the wedding went amazing, she danced all night with her parents and relatives. The entire room was shining with her new red long dress. The most natural one she could find.  She was flying through the room and I was more in love than ever. She was mine, finally after all the things that happened since college and all the bad luck we had.
Her mother took me away and told me I am crazy and I should have never take her as my wife but I was a lucky man and she was lucky because she had me. I wanted to tell her that their daughter was on good hands and that she would be my wife forever, that I would always love and cherish her. She hugged me and went to dance with her and her husband. I did not dance , I was to happy to even move around. However I had only one dance with her. That was all I needed, I had to make sure that the wedding went perfect, without any foul. It was the perfect night for both of us.
After all this, our lives went smoothly, until she got pregnant. She hated her belly, her body and all that we did. She started hating me as well and even her parents. She knew she could only have a kid and that being a girl disappointed her and she even tried to take its life. I had to stop her until it was not to late, until I could save all that still was .
The fights were dezastruous and she even broke things around the house. She jumper from the balcony to kill the baby and it was still not enough to kill the baby. I had to put her somewhere. She had to be put under supervision. I did not wanted her to die. I wanted her alive and there with me and our daughter.
After our daughter was born, she even tried to kill her. And even herself. I could no longer recognize her. With an broken heart I locked her up in a asylum and she staied there for almost 10 years before she died. And this is how I lost the love of my life. "
The doctor in front of me was speechless. She looked into my eyes and with a bothered heart said to me:
"I am sorry sir, but you could not call that a wife. It is just a body."
I immediately got up and tried to punch her in the face, she was talking ill about my wife about my life.
"How could you say such things, you bitch? Puta!! How do you have the audacity to say something like that, you shameless whore!" My voice echoed through the empty halls. The echo made me shudder and stop yelling at the poor woman in front of me, who started shaking in fear. She was looking at me like at some king of monster, like I was something like HER.
"Sir, I am sorry if I offended you, but this is nothing but the truth! That thing could not be your wife. You are delusional and in my opinion have serious issues. I understand why you are here, now! You need to understand the fact that your so called wife did not exist and all this is just in your head."
How could she talk like that I did not know. My blood was boiling and the next thing I remember was jumping on her fragile body and stating to hit her. I was stopped by another doctor and soon asleep.
My life was in front of my eyes and I could tell that it was perfect until my wife died and our daughter was to old to even remember her at all. I wanted all those moments to still be there, to still be like that. Like the first time we met, perfect to the core.
The doctor woke me up the next day and told me that it was the last time she would see me here. I was going into court the next day .I was being charged for something that I did not do at all, for a fake accusation.
It was the judge who let the doctor explain them my entire life. All the details that she gave were not even close to the reality.
" Your honor, the falter is a man with a disturbed mind. He believes he had a family, that he had a daughter and they were happy until his wife got sick. Well it may be true for him, but for us it is all a lie! " She looked at the judge then at me and back at the audience.
" You see, he has a very rare mental illness. We could  name it dementia, but it is worse. He is a sick man, he deserves to be here. I know it very well! He deserves to DIE!" The entire room started whispering and I could feel the rage inside me, but I could only stare at her, before being able to act.
" The so called wife was nothing but   a Corpse, Your Honor! He took it from its grave 15 years ago and married it, had a "baby" with it and after a while got rid of it by throwing it away in an abandoned building. He is daydreaming, he has hallucinations. He does not know who he is or what he was. All he knows is this Perfect marriage and his daughter, witch, by the way is nothing but a doll bought from a store. He also suffers from DID(divergent identity disorder) and schizophrenia, along with Alzheimer and a very sick psych"  She screamed and her anger went through all the audience, making everyone silent for a moment.
My blood was boiling and the next second I   ripped my handcuffs and got to her. The guards ran after me and in all that inanity shoot three fires. She screamed and in the next moment I woke up again, in my bed, next to my daughter and with my wife. I was finally home.  I was happy again.

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