Chapter 6: Loving Embrace

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After me and Raven got back together for the first time in nine years, I couldn't get any happier for the first time since our breakup. As we got to the Branwen Tribe through Raven's portal, I noticed many bandits were looking at us. Raven then looked at me and said, "Don't worry, they won't attack you, I told them ahead of time,". I then looked back at her and said, "If you say so,". It was then one of the bandits approached us.

The bandit said, "So this is Y/N Rose?". Raven said, "Yes, Vernal. This is my boyfriend during my time at Beacon Academy,". Vernal looked at me and said, "You really need to clean up, you look like you are homeless,". Sighing, I knew she was right. My clothes were all ripped up and covered in mud and my breath smelled bad. I said, "I know, that's why I plan on changing ASAP,". Raven then added, "Don't forget to shower as well,".

I then said, "Yeah, whatever pleases you, Raven,". She smiled as she guided me to where the bandits took their showers. Upon getting cleaned up with some new clothes to wear, I got out and saw Vernal waiting for me. She said, "If you're looking for Raven, she's in her tent,". I smiled and said, "Thanks, Vernal,". I then proceeded to make my way to Raven's tent, and upon entering, I saw her pouring some tea into two cups.

As she saw me enter her tent, she said, "Happy to be fully cleaned up, Y/N?". I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, nice to be all cleaned up for the first time in nine years,". Raven then approached me and said, "Do you know how worried we were when you ran away from Beacon?". I then said, "I had to, Raven. I couldn't bare myself to watch you and Tai kiss each other,".

Raven then added, "I know, but that doesn't mean you have to run off to Vacuo for nine years!".  I then smirked and said, "But I have been watching you and the others from a safe distance, so I already knew about Yang and Ruby before I met them face to face,". Raven then said, "So, you were watching me give birth to Yang then?". I nodded and said, "Yeah, and I watched my sister give birth to Ruby as well,".

Raven's POV

As I listened to how Y/N was watching us from a safe distance, I couldn't help it but look at how much he has changed during those past nine years. He was now 5ft 10in and there was that small scar going across his left eye that I assumed he got while fighting a Grimm. Y/N then added, "Ever since I ran away from Beacon my whole life's been fucked up until now,". I gasped and said, "Y-Y/N, why would you say that?".

He replied, "Look at me, Raven, I should've had my own family by now. But no, and the reason why is you were the only person I wanted to start my family with,". I was shocked at this. Y/N wanted to start a family with me only, but I'm guessing since we broke up, he didn't get what he wanted. I then said, "Y/N, I didn't know I was the only person you wanted to start your family with,". Y/N sighed and added, "I know, but since our original breakup and you got together with Taiyang, I knew I couldn't have the family I wanted,".

After hearing that, I begin to understand how he was feeling before we got back together. Getting closer to him, I looked into his silver eyes. Y/N then said, "R-Raven, what are you doing...," before I kissed him on the lips. Soon after I felt him melt into the kiss, which made me blush brightly. After we separated for air, I said, "Y/N, it isn't too late for you to start your own family now,". Y/N then replied, "Wait, are you telling me that you want to go that far right now?".

(Warning: Lemon starts here, go back if you are uncomfortable or underaged)

I then replied, "Yes, I want to carry your child,". He then smiled and said, "Alright then, but let's do it on your bed,". He then proceeded to pick me up and carried me all the way to my bed. I then said, "Oh, Y/N, I see you are still strong as you were in Beacon,". He then said, "I've been working out in Vacuo for quite a while,". He then placed me on the bed and took off his shirt. I blushed at the sight of his six-pack.

I then said, "Yeah, you won't kidding,". He smiled and proceeded to go onto the bed with me. As I took off my upper clothing, he blushed at the sight of my body. Y/N then said, "Raven, may I?". I then said, "Of course, my rose,". He smiled and took off my bra, revealing my C-cup breasts. Y/N gasped at the sight and proceeded to massage them while I went on to remove his pants. Upon seeing him in just his boxers, I blushed brightly.


As I massaged Raven's breasts, they were very soft and smooth. Raven moaned in pleasure as I squeezed her breasts. Raven then said, "Y/N, let's go straight to the main event!". I nodded my head in agreement as I proceeded to move my hands to her panties. Once I removed them, it revealed her shaven wet pussy. I then said, "You sure about this, Raven?". She said, "I'm sure, Y/N. I want your child,".

I then smiled as I took off my boxers, which made Raven gasp at the sight of my manhood. I then said, "Impressive right?". She nodded her head and spread her legs apart. Raven then said, "Just go and put it in me, I want your child,". I granted her wish and placed my entire member into her pussy, making her moan loudly. I then said, "I'm disappointed that I'm not the one to claim your virginity, but I'm still happy that we're back together,".

Raven said, "Yeah, my first might have been Tai, but my true love will always be you,". I smiled as I began to thrust in and out of her at a slow pace. As I pushed my member in and out, she moaned in pleasure. I said, "You love it don't you, my raven?". Raven's eyes filled with tears as soon as I said that. "I'm still your raven after nine years of separation," she said as she moaned in pleasure. "And I'm still your rose as well," I said as I sped up my pace.

As I increased my pace, the louder Raven's moans became. Soon we began to reach our limit. Raven said, "Y/N, please finish in me, I want to carry your child,". I then replied, "Your wish is my command, Raven,". After I felt Raven's fluids surround my member, I then proceed to release my seed deep into her womb. Even after I pulled out, my seed was coming out of my member, spraying Raven with my sticky cum.

As we panted after we just did, I looked at Raven and smiled. She said, "That... was... intense,". I said, "It... was... worth... it,". As we began to put on our PJs, I couldn't be any happier than I did during the past nine years on my own. I was finally back with the true love of my life after our breakup at Beacon Academy, and I could be a father soon. As me and Raven fell asleep on the bed, we locked our hands together as we each had a smile on our faces. I then thought, 'Looks like I'm going to have my own family after all,'.

Wow, after nine years of separation, Y/N Rose and Raven Branwen have taken things to the next level already. But if Raven gets pregnant with their child, Y/N will finally have his own family and Yang and Ruby will have a cousin to play with. But what will happen next time? Find out soon, and don't forget to follow me for future story updates! See ya all next time!

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