Chapter 3: Taking care of him

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As I headed back into my apartment, I took off my hood and went onto the couch. Sighing, I pulled out my scroll and looked at the texts I had sent to Raven and Qrow. Looking at them, I knew I was being aggressive toward them, but it was the only way that could make them leave me alone. 'I'm sorry, Raven and Qrow, but I want nothing to do with either of you,' I thought as I felt tears going down my face.

Wiping my tears away, I poured some Strawberry Sunrise into a wine glass and began to drink it. As I drank it, I began to feel regrets forming in me. I knew I haven't been seen around Remnant for seven years now, but I wanted nothing to do with people who knew Raven. At this point, I knew I should've started a family at this point, but the only person I wanted to start a family with was Raven.

I always dreamed of becoming a dad, but after me and Raven broke up, I knew that dream wasn't going to happen. As I continued to cry, I regretted everything I have done at this point. Running away from Beacon Academy, missing my team's graduation, not hanging out with my nieces or sister, and to always keep my distance whenever anyone I knew was around. I regretted it all.

But I knew I had to stay strong and move on with my life. Wiping away my tears, I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking at my reflection, I felt like I had been reduced to a shell of my former self. From my dulled silver eyes to the small scars I received when I fought the Grimm, I almost looked like a freak. 'Raven, I hope you're happy about what you did to me,' I thought as I went to my bed and cried myself to sleep. 

Raven's POV

As I looked through all the memories me and Y/N had spent together, I began to regret breaking up with him and getting together with Tai. Sure, I had a daughter with him, but after the Branwen Tribe's previous leader died, either me or Qrow had to look after the tribe. Qrow refused, so that meant I had to break up with Tai and head back to the Branwen Tribe. 'Y/N Rose, where are you right now?' I thought as I looked at that text he sent to me.

Every time I looked at it, I felt my heart ache. "Hey, Raven, still no lead on Y/N?" asked Vernal as she entered my tent. "Not even close, Vernal. I'm trying to find him, he's gone dark," I said as I looked at her. "Yeah, he sure chose a great place to hide that's for sure," said Vernal. "I know, the only evidence from him is that text he sent to me, but aside from that, nothing," I said. "Yeah, you look like you want him back in your life don't you?" asked Vernal. 

"Yeah, I made a bad choice in the past, and it broke Y/N's heart. Right now, I want to make amends to him," I said as tears began to fall off my face. "Don't worry, Raven, you'll find him soon, I know you will," said Vernal as she left my tent. I know Vernal was right, but I couldn't think about him too much. After all, I had to look after the Branwen Tribe in their fight against Salem. "Just you wait, Y/N Rose, I will find you," I said as I vowed to find my ex-boyfriend and make him mine again.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Raven and Y/N watching a movie in a flashback


As I fought my way through the Grimm, I began to get exhausted very quickly. I had Burning Rose in its scythe mode and was defeating Death Stalkers and Beowolves left and right. After I overheard someone about a Grimm swarm just north of my apartment, I decided it was time to shake the rust off my skills and get back into action, but after seeing how much Grimm there was, I began to rethink it.

As a Nevermore tried to shoot its feathers at me, I dodged them and converted Burning Rose into its riffle form and began firing at it. As I kept on defeating the Grimm, my exhaustion began to kick in. After I took the remaining Grimm, I felt like I was back in Beacon. "Y-Yeah, l-long live the Flaming Rose...," I said before I passed from exhaustion. As I fell to the ground with Burning Rose coming out of my hand, I thought I saw someone that I knew all too well.

Qrow's POV

As I made my way across the forest where Ozpin told me there was an upcoming Grimm Swarm in Vacuo, I heard gunshots along with clanging sounds. 'Looks like someone else is here as well, might as well help them,' I thought as I ran over there with my scythe in hand, my eyes widened at what I saw. 'No way, is that... Y/N Rose?' I thought as I watched him kill the last Grimm with his sword. 

"Y-Yeah, l-long live the Flaming Rose...," he said before he fell to the ground. As I got a good look at him, there was no doubt in my mind that this was Y/N Rose. Turning him onto his back, I saw a small scar near his left eye, and judging from his breath, he had been drinking.  Knowing that I found him, I decided to let Summer know. After she answered, her face appeared on my scroll's screen.

"Hey, Qrow, haven't heard from you in a while. What's up?" she asked. "Well, believe it or not, Summer, I found your brother, alive," I said, which made her eyes widen. "What? Where is he?" asked Summer. "He's in Vacuo, passed out from fighting a Grimm Swarm that Ozpin told me about," I said as I showed Summer her brother's passed-out body. "Yep, that's my brother alright, what will you do now?" she asked.

"Summer, I need you and Tai to prepare a guest room for Y/N. I'm bringing him home," I said. "Sure thing, Qrow, I'll get on it," she said before she hung up. Looking at Y/N, I picked up him and his sword and carried him to the docks. "What are you even doing out here, my old friend?" I asked as I looked at his face. He was breathing heavily, and from how bad his breath smelled, I figured he was drinking at least two servings of Strawberry Sunrise every day. "Don't worry, Y/N, you'll safe now," I said.

Summer's POV

After Qrow told me he had found Y/N and was bringing him home, I went downstairs to tell Tai. "Hey, Summer, why do you look happy?" he asked. "Good news, Qrow had finally managed to find Y/N and is bringing him here," I said as Tai's eyes widen. "What? Where did he find him?" he asked. "He found him in Vacuo, passed out from taking out an entire swarm of Grimm. So right now, we need to prepare a guest room for him," I said.

"Of course, Summer, let's get right to it," he said as we went upstairs to prepare the guest room for Y/N. After a few hours, Qrow arrived with Y/N on his shoulders. As I got a good look at my brother, I could tell that he had been drinking. As Yang and Ruby came into the living room, they saw Y/N. "Is that Uncle Y/N?" asked Ruby. "He is, Ruby, and he's going to stay with us for a while," I said as I helped Qrow carry Y/N to his guest room.

As Y/N got placed on the bed, I saw that he had a small scar near his left eye. Figuring that he got it while fighting a Grimm, I sighed and touched it. "What were you doing out there, Y/N?" I asked as I held his hand. As Yang and Ruby looked at their long-lost uncle, I could feel nothing but happiness at the fact they finally got to meet my brother. "Oh, Y/N, it's great to see that you're alive," I said.

Raven's POV

As I watched Summer looking at Y/N in my corvid form, I could feel nothing but respect for Qrow as he managed to find Y/N and bring him back home. But I could only hope that Y/N could forgive me for ending our relationship. Sure, he can be a bit cranky and crazy at times, but still, I feel like I'm nothing without him. After all, after we met each other, he lit me up. But after our breakup, I feel like I shouldn't have told him about the tribe.

Deciding to return to the Branwen Tribe, I flew back because I felt like I needed some time to think about how I should make things up with Y/N. I know he isn't going to be thrilled to see me, but I knew that once I thought of something, he will forgive me. Upon returning, I was greeted by Vernal. "You look happier than usual, why is that?" she asked. "Well good news, my brother Qrow found Y/N in Vacuo," I said. 

"Wow, so he's in good hands now?" asked Vernal. "Yes, he's at the house that Tai and Summer are living in Patch," I said as we headed inside my tent. "And now, you're going to think of how you're going to make things up with him?" she asked. "I have to," I said. "And are you still going look after the tribe?" asked Vernal. "I am, but when the time comes I won't be doing it alone," I said as I took a sip of tea.

Damn, years after he ran away, Y/N Rose has finally been found. But because of him not wanting anything to do with Raven, will she manage to think of something to make things up with him? Find out next time, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me so you can future story updates from me! See ya all next time!

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