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I remember now. Way back then. When I had a gut feeling I would listen to it, but now I feel I shouldn't. Yuji and I were about 12 and 11. 

"Yuji," I said as we stood outside a gas station. We were just gonna hang out grab some candy and drinks and ride home on our bikes for dinner like we did every Saturday. His parents have been overseas for a while and his grandpa has been taking care of him. His grandpa got sent to the hospital and my family let Yuji stay with us until he gets out. 

"Something in my gut is saying we should leave." Yuji looked at me. "Why's that? We come here all the time. There's nothing to worry about." Yuji looked almost concerned. I still wasn't buying that everything was okay though. "You know my gut feelings are never wrong. Please can we go?" I said. My legs were shaking and there was a lump in my throat. "Fine. But if you're wrong and nothing happens you're paying next time." Yuji remarked. So we grabbed our bikes and took off home. The next day a shooting was reported at 4:30 at the gas station we had gone to. About five minutes after we had left the place. When Yuji heard about that he hugged me. He said that he was happy we left when I said to, or else well, we may not have gone home that day. That day I told myself to always listen to my gut feelings. 

I know I should listen to them now. But maybe that gut feeling was just nothing.



I pulled into the driveway of the house where the murder had happened. I stepped out of my car and walked in. It didn't smell very pleasant, not at all. I almost gagged walking in. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't vomit. I walked around the living room opening the windows so that I could air out the place. It slowly started to work as I walked down the hallway to the bedroom. As I made my way to the bedroom, the smell felt heavier as I opened the door and the smell was putrid. Something was off about the room. It was the same scene as in Itadori's house. It seemed the body was dragged around the blood looked fresh like it happened only minutes ago. Is it possible it did? 

I followed the blood stains on the floor and they led to the closet. I put my hand on the closet knob, hesitating as I opened the door. The body was buried in the closet. When I pulled the body out of the closet something didn't sit right. It felt like someone was watching me their eyes glued to me watching every move I made. It made me feel uneasy. All this made me feel uneasy. I just wanted to go home at this point. I couldn't though, not until work was done.

 I did my usual routine of getting the gloves on and inspecting the body. Today was supposed to be the marked day of the killing, even though one didn't happen last week, we had high expectations it would this week. I scanned the body up and down finding empty bullet wounds along the legs and up the chest, and one right in the forehead. It was that murderer, our intuition was correct. Maybe he just wanted to lay low for the week? I didn't really understand. Why would he want to ever lay low? He's stirred up enough trouble for us.

I looked into the last bullet wound, I knew I wouldn't find anything. I did. A small bullet was placed inside the wound. I grabbed a long pair of tweezers pulling the bullet out. It was stained a deep shade of red. It was deformed. warped, was the word for it. Did I, Fushiguro Megumi, just find the first piece of evidence this murderer has left behind? Maybe this wasn't the same murderer? Was I just getting excited?

I hadn't prepared to take evidence home with me today so I shove the bullet into my vest's pocket. How was I going to tell Gojo that I had found the first piece of evidence this murderer has left behind? Maybe it wasn't even the same guy? Would I sound ridiculous if I did say something about it? Maybe I should keep my mouth shut for now. In the end, that's what I decided to do, not tell anyone what I had found today. I grabbed my stuff when back out to my car and called for some people to get the body and bring it to the morgue in the nearest hospital.

-11 pm-

I was taking a shower when I heard my phone ringing. I turned the water off stepped out of the shower and grabbed my phone the screen read the last name I would expect right now. 

Yuji Itadori.

My hands began to shake and so did my legs. I wanted to answer. Was he okay? Was he even alive? Did someone find his phone? Where has he been? Was he safe? I quickly answered and put my phone to my ear with shaking hands. "H-hello? I-itadori?" I said my voice trembling. For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line the only thing I could hear was breathing. 

As I was about to open my mouth and say something again the call ended.  I pulled the phone away from my ear. I tried calling him again and again but nothing. I texted him over and over asking if he was okay and if he managed to escape and what had happened that night in his house but I didn't receive anything back from my frantic calls or messages. 

I sighed. For the second time, my eyes flooded with tears. My emotions have been out of control since he went missing. I sat down on the washroom floor sobbing letting my tears escape from my eyes once again. My vision went blurry. I cried and cried until I almost passed out. I just want him back is that too much to ask for? I stood up wiped my eyes and walked to my bedroom.  I began to cry again losing consciousness this time.

- Early that morning-

For some reason, I woke up really early. I felt... Uneasy. I felt like I was being watched again. By those pair of eyes from one of the previous murder scenes. The gaze made me feel like I was prey being hunted. I wanted to run but it was like the gaze had me restrained to my bed. My hands began to shake. I held my breath almost like I was waiting for something to happen. Nothing did happen. Everything has been so crazy since he got kidnapped. Maybe I was just overreacting. Maybe nothing was there and I was just imagining things? Or maybe I wasn't. What if something was there? Or someone?

Who or what could it be?


What did they want from me?

Why were they watching me?


AN: Sorry for updating a little later, I try to update every Thursday or Friday. My school has just been so busy this week I had presentations, stacks of homework, and places to be people to see gifts to buy for some friends my week was just chaos.  I didn't think I'd get a chapter out but I managed to do so! Hope you like it!  Hopefully, next week won't be so busy and I'll have more time to write. I'll try and get more chapters out over the Christmas break as I'll have lots of time on my hands, I'll decide between maybe the same schedule I have now or possibly 2-3 chapters a week. 

Until next Thursday! Goodbye!

word count: 1305

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