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-Megumi Pov-

I walked over to Panda and told him about the place we had to check out. He said he would be just a minute and that he had to finish something first. I told him that I would go get a car ready and I would wait outside for him in the car. He nodded and I walked off to get everything set. I grabbed two handguns and ammo just in case. I walked out grabbed a cop car and then drove it to the front of the station and waited for Panda. A few moments later he walked out and saw me in the front seat and walked over to the car and hopped in.

"You do have the address right?" He asked. "Of course. Why wouldn't I if we were going somewhere?" I said starting to drive to the apartment building. "It's kind of far out, so I thought maybe I got the wrong address. Ha." He said. "Yeah, I thought Gojo was kidding but I guess it makes sense for weird shit like this to happen in places like that," I replied. 

"So you said there were noises and smells? Why wouldn't cops closer to the residence deal with it?" He questioned. "I don't know. It couldn't possibly be that they were too busy after all the crime rate is quite low." I said. "I also heard from Maki that there were missing people. Not that they would have anything to do with this, maybe the cops there are busy looking for them?" Panda pondered. "Maybe," I said. 

After a while, we arrived at the apartment complex. It seemed shabby almost, worn down a bit. As if there were little to no people keeping its maintenance. I parked the car and stepped out and so did Panda. A lady that was waiting at the door walked over to us. "Are you guys here about my call?" She asked. "If you're the one who called about the smells and noises, then yes," Panda said.

"I am." She said. "My name is Hana." She introduced herself. "Can we ask you some questions first Miss Hana? Before we go in?" I asked. "Sure." She said. "Could you describe the smells and noises more specifically?" I asked. "Well... It's hard to explain the smells but... The noises are usually power tools sometimes covered by loud music late at night. The smells well... I can't quite put my finger on those." She explained. "It's alright. Mind leading the way please?" I asked. "Sure. Follow me." She said turning to walk inside. 

The minute I stepped in the door I smelt something foul. As if something was rotting. Panda seemed to smell it too because the covered his mouth. We walked to the steps and up to the first floor of the apartments. The smell seemed to only get worse as we continued. "Mind telling us about the resident you've called about?" Panda asked. "Well. His name is Kutsuki, I haven't really ever talked to him, but he seems friendly, based on what I heard." Hana said. 

The smell was now so bad I covered my nose. We stopped outside of a door. "This is his apartment," Hana said. "Thank you. We'll let you know what you find but you should go back to your apartment now." I said. She thanked us and walked down the hall and entered her apartment. "Well. Let's do this." Panda said.

I raised my fist and banged on the door. "Tokyo Police! Open up. We'd like to have  a word with you." I said. We waited a moment before hearing footsteps and shuffling behind the door. Everything stopped and then someone opened the door slowly. A man with dark and deep eyebags and red eyes opened the door. He smelt like the apartment and looked dishevelled. 

"Can I help you, officers?" He asked quietly. His voice was hoarse and deep. "We'd like to have a word with you, about some complaints we've received," Panda said. "Do you mind letting us in so we can talk?" I asked. "Sure, come in..." He said, His voice trailing off at the end of his sentence. 

When I stepped in I saw the living room which looked horrible. There were cans everywhere and power tools covered the counters in the kitchen. "Do you have a hobby that would require that many power tools?" I asked. "Yeah, I like building things," Kutsuki replied. "Do you mind if we sit down and talk?" I asked. "No," he said.

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