Off Feeling

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Sorry, this chapter is later than I planned it to be. I got these random stomach pains and couldn't eat, walk, sleep, couldn't really do anything. I'm doing better now so new chapter :> I hope you guys are doing well. Also, I plan to start another fic after I'm done with this one. What ship do you guys wanna see? I really enjoy writing fanfiction so far, I want to continue doing that. If you have any ships to recommend even from different animes/mangas I'd be happy to read/watch the series and write about it.

Chapter for - @HyunjaeKim499 

Because I said I would get it out today.

-Sukuna Pov-

"I love you." He said. In a way I was shocked but I was happy too. I hadn't really ever talked to him before this. I had always watched him at work. He was often quiet and kept to himself. He was very smart, always solving cases fast and getting paperwork done even quicker. It surprised me how lonely he was, with his success wouldn't he be popular? I suppose it's because he is quite socially awkward. I watched him for a long time. I saw the way he interacted with the people he was comfortable with, and the ones he wasn't. 

He particularly liked a male with dark and heavy eye bags. He called the man Panda and supposedly that is what everyone called him. Megumi often would greet the man on his way inside. Sometimes they would have lunch together and they talked often. He also liked the green-haired girl named Maki. Maki was just as smart and witty as he was.

The only difference being I preferred Megumi's introverted personality. I liked watching the way his demeanour would brighten slightly when they interacted. I personally am not very fond of his boss. His boss is childish and stupid, how could they place that man above Megumi? 

I don't really care though because Megumi would soften up a bit with him. They seemed to have a father-son relationship that didn't go noticed by everyone in the workplace. I personally enjoyed studying his life and seeing the way he interacted with other people and what he would act like around them.

One night after he finished work I followed him to his home. There I watched him lay in be that night sleeping. His features soften. He was drop-dead gorgeous. From then on I would sometimes follow him home.

"I'm tired," Megumi said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Alright, want me to take you home?" I offered. He nodded his head and closed his eyes. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his car keys. "Use my car." He said. I nodded and picked him up and carried him outside. When I stepped outside I could hear sirens in the distance and I ran and quickly loaded him into the passenger seat and then hopped into the driver seat and drove off.


When we pulled into his driveway he was asleep. I got out and grabbed him and carried him inside. It still surprises me how light he is. I went to his room and put him on his bed. I was about to leave so he could sleep and I would come back in the morning when he grabbed my hand suddenly and stopped me. "Can you stay with me?" He asked sleepily. I nodded. 

He moved over I hopped in bed with him. He turned to me and put his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. "Goodnight." He said. He pulled his head away from my chest and kissed me. I kissed him back. "Goodnight," I said. 

-Next morning-

-Megumi Pov-

When I woke up I turned to see my window partially opened, A slight cool breeze coming through and filling the room. I couldn't quite remember what happened, only bits and pieces. I could mostly remember the sex, seeming everything hurt. I couldn't quite remember how I got home but I do remember Sukuna being with me. Where was he now? Most times the window to my room is left open, it's usually his doing. He never closes it when he leaves.

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