Give him back

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Bruh, my art teacher is such a bitch. She emailed my dad and was all "She's done nothing for art class" OKAY THEN WHY THE FUCK AM I DONE EVERYTHING? WHAT DOES THIS BITCH WANT ME TO DO?- Fucking do an assignment that doesn't exist??? SPoilEr AlErT DumBAsS I CaN'T. Jesus christ, I hate my art teacher <3  (Also thank u guys for 6k+ reads) 


-Gojo Pov-

"Toji Zenin?..." I muttered. He had gone missing, well over a decade ago, leaving me to raise his son, Megumi. I remember that day distinctly. It was a cold winter night, I was babysitting Megumi when I received a call notifying me Toji and disappeared. He worked as a bartender, on the night shift, but that night, he didn't show up for his shift.

I had watched him leave for work that evening, though. For the next few days, I would keep an eye on Megumi, he eventually became curious about his dad, he was so young he probably didn't remember it now.

Suddenly my thoughts were cut off by an alarmingly powerful presence, one of complete malice and rage. It was suffocating in a sense. I turned to the energy's source, seeing Yuji with an expression of seething rage on his face. His teeth were clenched with such force I thought they would break. He was staring at the black-haired man with a murderous intent.

"Give. Megumi. Back." He said, clenching his fists tightly, his nails dug into his palms with heaps of fury. I'd never seen him react in such a way, I felt the overwhelming presence dripping of hatred, it filled the room making the air so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Is it even possible this is the same Itadori Yuji I once knew? The one who was so kind, turned into something to fear.

It didn't matter, not now, as Yuji charged at him, screaming. But, he made a dumb decision. One that could never be changed.


The trigger was pulled, a scream of agony pierced the air as the crimson red blood splattered on the walls. "MEGUMI!" I screamed, but, the blood on the walls told me that I wouldn't be getting a response from him, not anytime soon. I saw him, laying on the floor, a bullet hole through the side of his head, through his raven hair which, in areas, clung to his head from the blood. His eyes were open, unblinking, sucked completely of whatever life they once held. He... "MEGUMI!" The hoarse voice of Sukuna screamed next to me, rushing over to him. Yuji was currently beating the life out of the black-haired man with the scar on his lip.

Yuji grabbed him, throwing him through the wall and screaming as the man fell from the window, bleeding out on the ground. Something in him snapped, and he jumped out of the window after him, I decided to run over to see Megumi, I knew he was dead but... all I could do was wish that my son wasn't gone. 

I looked over, seeing Sukuna holding him in his arms tightly, covering the bullet wound and running his other hand through his black hair. I could hear a sob, a deep desperation to not cry, but all anyone could feel now was pain. He started to break down, repeating the poor man's name. "Megumi..." He mumbled repeatedly as he began to break down. 

Tears streamed down his cheeks, his red irises showed purely pain. I was still frozen in a state of shock and panic, before grief hit me. Almost like glass shattering, I broke down too. I fell to my knees and cried, Megumi's lifeless eyes staring past Sukuna and at me, telling me I failed. 

I failed.

I continued to cry along with Sukuna. Furthermore, I had once thought of someone who was no more than a criminal, a murderer... but he was never emotionless. How could I not have known? He loved my son... Loves, my son. He was hurting just as much as I was, if not more. I got up, slowly approaching him, resting my hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry..." I mumbled. "It's my fault... I let him go..." I blamed myself, I was the only one anyone could blame. It was my fault he left. If I hadn't made the decision I made, he would still be here.

Sukuna seemed to be lost in a trance, unable to except Megumi's death. He held onto the man, whispering his name as if he could still hear him. It hurt so much to watch this. "Megumi..." He muttered. I sat down next to him, reaching out for Megumi, running my fingers through his bloodied hair. 

Sukuna then slapped my hand away and backed up, holding Megumi tightly in his arms, putting his head into his chest. "B-back away from him..." Sukuna said with a protective tone. This made me blame myself more, I had failed everyone. "I-i'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." I stuttered, unable to get a grasp on the situation. 

For a moment we sat in silence, it felt like an eternity. The only thing to break the silence, was Yuji coming back into the room. He was covered in blood, which he wiped some off of his face. He had no expression on his face, he approached Sukuna, who looked up at him fearfully. "Sukuna..." Yuji muttered. "Snap out of it. He's dead." Yuji said. Sukuna looked at him, then back at Megumi, his eyes widening, seeing Megumi's lifeless eyes, and pale, colourless skin, after pulling his head away from his chest.

"N-no... H-he can't b-" "SUKUNA! HE'S FUCKING DEAD!" Yuji screamed, cutting him off, tears started streaming down his cheeks, I could tell just how hard this was for him too. "You... You need to let go of him, now... He's gone." Yuji said in a choked whisper. Sukuna didn't move, he looked scared and hurt, not wanting except Megumi's death. 

No one did.

Megumi's passing was hard on everyone. We all sat silently, unable to cope, unable to speak. After a few minutes, Yuji broke the silence. "We need to go..." He said, grabbing Sukuna's arm and lifting him up, Sukuna stood on his own two feet, holding Megumi's dead body in his arms. 

It took me a moment, before I slowly stood up, my legs felt weak, and my body felt heavy, we left the building silently, the only audible thing was Sukuna's choked sobs, and Yuji's occasional comforting words to the man. 

Everything that happened next was a complete blur. Investigations, documents of death, filling out all his information on the death certificate hurt. This was all very basic information... so why did it hurt so much, seeing it one last time? Writing down his birthday was hard, I choked up as I wrote down, December 22nd, 2002. I finally broke down, crying hard, after writing his birthday. 

I cried for a long time, knowing my son was only 21 when he died. He was so young, and as a father I failed to protect him... it was all my fault.


I'm very sorry for the angsty chapter, I do hope you all enjoyed it though, I'm close to finishing this, but I plan on writing more Sukufushi in the future, if that's something you guys want to see. Overall, I apologize again, have a good day/night.

Word Count: 1233

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