Baby Hunter

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A/N - Okay so the whole gang (Willow, Luz, Amity, Gus and Hunter) are at the owl house for a sleepover or something.

Hunter yawned. Despite having stayed up well past 1AM, he was still the first one up.

He walked into the kitchen. When the group had arrived, Eda had simply said "Help yourself to anything but don't touch my apple blood." and walked upstairs to hang out with Raine.

He found a couple of potions on the counter that looked the right color for a energy-booster. He popped one open and drank the whole thing.

Suddenly his head hurt, and it hit him that he probably shouldn't have chugged a mysterious potion.

The room started spinning, and Hunter collapsed on the the ground.


Willow was woken by the sound of crying. She jolted awake, and saw that everyone else had been woken up too.

The crying continued as Willow, Gus, Luz and a half-asleep Amity searched the Owl House.

Willow reached the kitchen and stood in shock.

Standing in the middle of the kitchen floor, sobbing, was a child. But, he looked like...


Hunter ran up to her and hugged her legs.

"Wiwwow!" He said, his eyes filled with tears.

Willow knelt down and picked Hunter up easily. As soon as Hunter was in Willow's arms, he stopped crying and looked and the witch with amazement.

"You're pwetty!"

"Willow...oh." Gus and the rest of the group were standing in the door.

"I don't know, I just found him like this!"

"I see what happened." Luz picked up the small bottle that had been dropped.

She held it up for the others for see. "This is a age reversal, meant to be taken in small doses. It seems Hunter drank the whole thing, roughly thirteen doses, reversing his age to..." She stopped to do the math. "Three."

In the eight seconds Luz had been talking, Hunter had fallen asleep in Willow's arms.

"Awwwww, look at him!" Willow gently rocked the sleeping child.

"Well we could put him in a crib, maybe Eda has one."

"Why would Eda have a crib?" Gus asked. "We should just sick him in one of the empty beds."

"Fair enough." Luz said.

Willow carried the child upstairs to an empty bedroom. She laid Hunter down and tucked him in.

Back downstairs, the group debated what to do.

"We should tell Eda, right? Then she can figure it out." Willow petitioned.

"Yeah, makes sense." Luz went upstairs to find Eda.

Walking into Eda's room, she immediately stopped when she saw Eda and Raine curled up together, asleep.

"Where's Eda?" Gus asked after Luz came down alone.

"Change of plans! We're just going to wing it!"

After searching the house, they found a potion-making book that had a recipe for an aging forward potion.

Amity, Luz and Gus ransacked the house find ingredients and mixed the potion while Willow played with the now awake Hunter.

She grew a small flower for him as he looked on in amazement.


Willow pinched his chubby cheeks. "Oh you're so cute!"

Baby Hunter giggled.

"Okay! I think we got it!" Amity called from the kitchen.

They handed Hunter the potion in a cup, and he chugged it without hesitation.

His eyes fluttered shut and he slowly grew into normal Hunter.

"My...head hurts..." He mumbles, before starting to collapse.

Willow caught him in her arms. "I'll take him upstairs." She said, smiling at her friends.

As she walked up the stairs, Hunter looked up at her, half-asleep.

"You're pretty."

uhh thanks for reading!
- a very weird author

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