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Willow opened the door to Hunter's room and smiled.

Hunter sat cross-legged on his bed, his nose buried in a Cosmic Frontier book. He read some words out loud, his voice a low murmur.

She climbed onto the bed and snuggled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Oh! It's a spin-off about Chief O'Bailey going on a solo adventure! He was told by the enemies to go back to their mothership because he's like a clone-spy-thing, but he cares too much about his found family on the main ship so he's traversing the lands  to find this mysterious creature that holds the secrets to defeating the evil people. But the evil people found out so they are sending more clones to attack him and they captured the other guys from the ship and-"

He flushed. "Sorry. I talk too much."

"You don't." Willow assured, kissing his cheek.

He got a spark in his eyes whenever he talked about things he cared about, and his voice was very nice, but she didn't say that.

Willow shifted around so her head was laying in Hunter's lap.

Hunter paused and moved the book to the side so he could see her face.

Willow smiled at his flushed face. "Will you read it to me?" She asked

"Are you sure you want me to?"

She reached up and booped his nose. "Yes, I'm sure. If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"Oh! No, I'd be glad to. Do you want me to start from the beginning or..."

"Wherever you are is fine."

Hunter smiled and looked back on the book. Using one hand to hold the book, he absentmindedly reached down and began to play with Willow's hair.

"Face your true identity." Hunter began. "O'Bailey covered his ears against the voice that seemed to come from everywhere. 'No!' He cried, 'I have a new identity now and a new designation!' He looked back at his friends, his family. What is your designation, little hero? 'Protecting them.' He drew his blaster and..."

Hunter's voice, though some called it annoying, was the sweetest sound in the world to Willow.

Willow felt herself falling asleep.

As O'Bailey freed his found family from the clutches of the villains, Willow drifted into unconsciousness.


Willow awoke to someone gently shaking her.


Willow blinked herself awake.

At some point while she was asleep, Hunter had moved her head to a pillow and covered her with a blanket.

She sat up and her eyes immediately widened.

"Yeah, this happened while you were asleep..."

The walls of Hunter's room were covered floor-to-ceiling with flowering vines. They twisted around the photos and posters on the wall and didn't seem to have damaged anything.

Willow flushed. She drew a quick spell circle and the vines retreated. "Sorry,"

"No! No it's all right, but are you doing okay?"

Willow shot him a look. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I know the last time this happened it was because you were really overwhelmed and stressed so I just wanted to make sure. But why then....?"

Willow's face softened. "Right. Well, I was a late bloomer, but even when I finally got magic, I've always had a hard time keeping it under control. And to this day, as you saw, any super strong emotion I have manifests into plants."

"Are you feeling sad? Did I do something wrong?" Hunter was very worried.

"No, no. The opposite actually. This is one of the nicest days I've ever had. And being with you, safe, is why." She laughed softy. "Everything's been so crazy lately, with all the rebuilding but...Hunter, you make me so happy. You know that?"

Hunter smiled softly, his cheeks a light red.

Willow scooted over to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you Hunter."

"I love you too."

Flowering vines began to creep up the wall behind them. 

Hey guysies
So I know that Willow having flowers in her hair with strong emotions is a a very popular headcannon and that's very cute,
*pushes glasses up nose*
but I think based on the evidence in For the Future, where Willow's emotions cause plants to reacted around her, this would most likely be the case.
That's a lot to read sorry
Thanks for reading :)
- a very weird author

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