nightmares but it's hunter this time

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Willow blinked her eyes open. Her crystal ball was ringing. She rolled over and stared at it.

"Hunter <3 is calling" read the screen. Willow back over to face the wall. Hunter had a habit of calling her on accident. He hadn't done it in a while though, now that he had learned how to use his scroll. She gave a thought to answering it, but the ball rang out before she could make a decision.

About five minutes later, the crystal ball dinged.

Willow sighed. She had to remember to put it on "do not disturb".

She rolled back over.

"You have 1 new message" read the screen.

She was already pretty awake, after all. What could be the harm?

She pressed play.

Hunter's face filled the screen. He looked a little tired, and his eyes were a little unfocused.

"Hey..Willow!" He said, and smiled half-heartedly. "So, funny story, I had another nightmare. And then a panic attack."

He began laughing. "Why am I laughing?" Tears came to his eyes. "Why am I crying?"

He began crying harder. He hid his face in his hands as he started sobbing.

He lifted his head up, and streams of tears were running down his face.

He wasn't smiling anymore. "Titan, I'm pathetic." He began to sob again.

He continued to ramble and cry off-and-on.

The message ended when the time limit ran out.

The crystal ball went dark, reflecting Willow's shocked face.

She popped out of bed and threw on some clothes.

She poked Clover awake and she hummed in protest.

"Sorry Clov, but Hunter needs me."

Clover hummed a few angry bee puns and transformed into a staff.

Willow boarded her staff and flew out the window.


Hunter sat in an oversized T-shirt on the couch. Some random show played on the globe in front of him, but he wasn't paying attention.

Bang Bang Bang

Hunter barely registered the knocks. He stood up, and opened the door.

He eyes widened.

Willow stood in the doorway, panting.


"Hunter!" Willow dropped her staff and it magiced away.

"Willow! You need to go home, it's three in th-"

He was cut off when Willow hugged him. She was warm and her arms seemed like the only thing holding him together.

Tears pricked Hunter's eyes.

Willow let him go, and he felt cold without her.

She took his hand. "Come on."

She led him to the couch and wrapped him in a blanket Hunter hadn't seen before.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Hunter shook his head.

"That's alright. Do you want a hug?"

Hunter nodded. Willow wrapped her arms around him tight, resting his head on her chest.

Hunter melted. Tears began to drip down his face. He sniffled quietly, trying not to bother Willow more than he had already.

Willow noticed.

Of course she did.

She tipped his head up to face her.

"Oh, Hunter."

She began to pepper his face with kisses.

Despite the situation, Hunter began to snicker.

"Got you to smile!" Willow grinned and pinched Hunter's flushed cheek.

"Thank you, Willow. Thank you for this."

Willow squeezed Hunter tight. "Of course. I know you'd do the same for me."

Hunter snuggled into Willow.

She began to stroke his soft ash-blonde hair.

Hunter's eyes began to close. He blinked them back open.

"You can fall asleep, Flower. It is three in the morning, after all."

"Oh! Is thanks the right thing to say...?"


"Okay. Okay!"

Hunter's eyes began to close again, but this time he let them.

Wrapped in Willow's arms, Hunter slipped into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

608 words this time besties
I ate three brownies today and unintentionally cosplayed a book character so there's that
- a very weird author

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