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Hunter smiled as the Park's cottage emerged from the trees.

He looked for a doorbell, then realized there was none. He knocked on the door, and rubbed his knuckles. Knocking always hurt his hands.

Willow answered, her eyes painted in pink, yellow and bright blue, the colors of the pan flag!

Hunter was very proud of himself for recognizing the flag.



Willow laced her fingers with Hunter's and kissed the back of his hand.

He flushed. "How did you do that with your eyes?"

"Eyeshadow! Does it look good?"

"Yeah! Could-could you do it with my eyes?"

Willow blinked in surprise. "Oh! Of course!"

She tugged him into the house.

"Hey Hunter!" Gilbert called.

"Hello Mr. Park!" Hunter waved with his free hand.

"Gilbert!" He corrected.

Hunter smiled sheepishly before Willow pulled him inside her room.

"Okay!" Willow sat down and Hunter sat down too.

"Lemme see your beautiful face!"

Willow took his head in her hands. "So, I know you don't want the pan flag, but do you want the bi flag or the rainbow flag?"

Hunter tried not blush at Willow's touch. "The bi flag!"


Willow reached for her eyeshadow palette and popped it open. She dabbed at the blue and painted the corners of Hunter's eyes.

She painted pink on the other corner, and a thinner stripe of purple down the middle.

"There!" She held up a mirror and Hunter looked at his reflection. His eyes were painted in the colors of the bi flag, his flag.

"Thank you Captain!" Hunter wrapped his arms around Willow and pecked her on the cheek.

"No problem. Now let's get going!"

They met up with the rest of the gang at the Owl House. Eda, Amity, Luz and Gus were all there of course, but so were Matt, Alador, Darius, and Raine.

"Finally! You're here." Darius said. "Now we can leave this..." He gestured to the Owl House. "...dump."

"Watch it Deamonne. I am not above endangering a coven head." Eda narrowed her eyes at the abomination diva.

"Dear." Raine warned, putting their hand on Eda's shoulder. "He's not worth it."

Eda relaxed. "Fine."

Darius bristled. "Not worth it? I'll show you not worth it!" He morphed into his abomination form.

"Calm down, Puddles." Alador gave Darius a warning glance.

Darius morphed back into a witch. "Don't call me that."

"Stop fighting! Let's just go already!" Matt grabbed Gus's hand and dragged him along.

"Wait up!" Willow scooped Hunter up bridal-style and ran after the two of them.

When they arrived at the parade, they crowded onto the sides of the street.

The floats began to roll by, each with many witches and demons walking alongside them.

Hunter got so lost in the parade, he didn't notice when Willow slipped away.

When a pan-themed float came by with flags and flowers and dancers, he turned to where Willow should have been.

"Honey lo-Honey?"

He looked around frantically. "Guys? Where's Willow?"

Darius snapped to attention and turned to Alador with a accusatory glare. "Where's little prince's girlfriend?"

Alador rolled his eyes and muttered something in Daruis's ear.

"Little Prince, she's-"


She grabbed the front of Darius's shirt and pulled him down to her level.

"It's supposed to be a surprise!" She hissed.

"What's supposed to be a surprise?" Hunter asked.

"That is!" Gus pointed at the approaching float.

Hunter turned.

The next float had was covered with flowers in every color of the rainbow.

Red roses, orange tigerliles, yellow daffodils, green chrysanthemums, blue cornflowers and purple lilac.

Willow stood in the middle, making more flowers bloom with every touch.

She caught Hunter's eye and winked.

Then she drew a spell circle and a few vines shot up from the flowers. They twisted together until they formed the words "Love you Sunflower!"

The vines reformed into a heart and disappeared, but not before most of the people in the crowd began to "awww".

Hunter's face was still flushed red by the time the parade was over.

Winter/Huntlow One Shots Where stories live. Discover now