4: Disconcerting Discretion

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Following behind Enders, you made sure he didn't suspect a thing as you snuck up behind him. "If you wanted to be hidden.... you could have walked up the pole." You spoke maliciously as you stopped walking.

Shocked, he quickly turned around from his viewing space. Stumbling on his back, he quickly looked around, silently begging for an escape.

One that you wouldn't give easily.

Walking towards him, you watched as he cowered. Standing tall, you approached him.

Taking out your gun from your coat pocket, you glared at him, "Let's get started then.... shall we?"

He looked up at you terrified, he swallowed as your frame approached his, and he tried to cower away.

Luckily there wasn't enough room for him to do so, he ended up flushed against the wall behind him, with his hands up.

"Now! Now- The police wouldn't shoot me for running away would they?" He spoke panicked as his hands were up, and he looked for a way out.

"I'm not with the police." You spoke, his face whitened at the notion.

His face smile disappeared as he began to kneel and beg for his life.

"P-please! Don't kill me!"

"I'll give you anything you want! Do you want money?! I have money, I can give you money!"

"Please just let me live!"

"I believe your victims said something similar, so tell me. Why is your request different than theirs?"

He looked up at you shocked, still on his knees, "Y-you? You know about-" He spoke hesitantly thinking to himself.

"Almost everyone knows, now back on track." You spoke as you forced the barrel of the gun at the bottom of his chin.

He looked up again, as he sat on his knees with his eyes facing up, towards you, tears threatening to escape. He looked pitiful.

"Answer the question." You demanded as you pushed it more into his throat.

He stuttered looking up at you again, "Those commoners deserved death." He spoke, no longer looking at you.

"So then, by default so do you." You spoke as you loaded the gun.

He panicked.

"N-No! I'm different then them I swear!" He said groveling on his feet.

"In what way?" You asked, pointing the gun at his forehead now.

"I-I ... I can-" He swallowed harshly.

"I can give you Money?! Do you want money? I wouldn't mind giving some away!" He almost yelled.

"Oh really?" You slacked your grip on the gun, allowing it to fall slightly, no longer forcing at him.

He smiled, "Yes! Yes!" realizing this could be his escape, his salvation.

"I'll give my money to you!" He spoke.

"Oh, but that's not what you said." You smiled.

He looked at you confused, "You said, you wouldn't mind giving some money away. I never said to me." You smiled.

"Th-that's fine! That's fine."

"I'll give some away however you want just please don't kill me!" He yelled with his head down in terror.

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