12: Resplendent Raine

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I wonder... does Louis remember as well as I do?

Some time ago:

You walked down the streets of London, the air sickly and cold. Rain had come and plagued the lands you journeyed through. It felt hopeless to even try at this point, to continue on.

Holding an umbrella you walked, lonely, scared, afraid. You tried to not let it bother you, but everything bothered you to the point where you felt as though you couldn't stop being bothered. It felt so.... numbing.

The rain helped wash away the tears that had formed on your face, traumatic events catching up to you.

You held your cloak closer.

Some might say in desperation, some might say in vain. In vain of the thoughts that tortured your mind until your only strength had been to become numb. Until it was the only thing left that your sickly mind could do to save itself.

Heels clicked on the sidewalk as many ran through the dreariness, walking to where they needed to be. You didn't care, trying to distract yourself with something, anything. But the numb was settling in.

And this time you didn't really want to stop it.

The cold crawled up your finger tips, following your hand, towards your arm. Now it wasn't just your mind that felt numb, but your body. It hurt so bad you couldn't wait for it to become numb, but to stop yourself from holding the pain any longer.

Walking through the crowd, you looked for a way out. You looked to find a corner to hide in, to allow your sorrows to fall towards the ground that you envied.

Finding an alleyway you rushed into it, hiding behind a trash can away from the world as you held yourself and began sobbing. Arms tightly scraping against your skin.

Your body curled in on itself, fighting the outside cold that threatened it. Fighting despite how truly outnumbered it was. Fighting until the very last second.

Until you though it was too late, as the cold began to take you and, your tears froze to your cheeks. Whilst your coat was merely a paper thin blanket trying to shield you from a hurricane. It did little, next to nothing.

Feeling your fingertips starting to become numb and your mind tired, you allowed it to control you, to take over you as you fell into a sleep.

What you hadn't known or noticed was that a small pair of feet were walking towards you, wearing boots through the snow they stopped in front of you where your frostbitten body laid against the frozen bricks of a nearby shelter. One that you had not been allowed inside.

He walked up to you, his feet crunching in the snow. Until his footsteps began increasing as he saw a nearly dead pile of flesh and bones. Rushing, he allowed the snow to invade his pants as he sat on the cold snow, knees first.

Hands gently rushed towards your neck, checking for a pulse. 

Luckily there was one, faint as it might be. As if it had been whispering to the boy. But at that point it might as well have, whispering for the future. Quickly, he tried to wake you.

"Hey... Hey...." He tried whispering as he gently shook your shoulders. But then he began to grow more frantic, scared at the sight of him possibly losing someone, even one that he did not know.

"Please wake up!" He began to shake.

Slowly, by some type of miracle your eyes opened. Peering at the boy in front of you, all you could see was blurred dots. A small tuft of yellow, blonde hair and a scarf tied comfortably around the boys neck.

Once he had you awake you allowed for him to carry you, your arms felt like anvils as you chest heaved, desperately trying to keep you alive, to keep your heart pumping. Slowly your eyes closed and opened a couple of times as the boy struggled not to drop you from his hold.

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