8: Entertainment Stooge

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Sherlock and John looked over at you in disbelief of what you just said, "What?" You asked, shrugging your shoulders, "I'm not wrong am I?" You questioned rhetorically. Holmes just sighed as John put his hand on his head.

Holmes reached out for your hand, trying to grab it to hold onto as he walked, but that only ended in you crying out in pain, and taking it back.

He looked at you shocked, "What happened?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe I was hurt during the fight we all had, who would'a guessed?" You asked sarcastically.

John deadpanned, as Holmes looked at your wrist, there was a bruise already forming. He called over John who looked it over. You sighed, "Oh come on guys, it's not that serious!" You exclaimed loudly.

"Honestly it's just a-" you whined out in pain as John touched it in a sensitive area. "sprain..." you weakly finished your sentence.

I swear to god if this is a fracture or break... I should have tried to fight Fred.

John shared a glance with Sherlock, "We need to get you both back. Now." He ordered, suddenly serious. You and Sherlock complied with no restraint against his orders. 

You walked, staring at the ground in shame. You should've tried harder to fight Fred. You knew he wasn't going to hold back against you, and were honestly, surprised when he did however slightly. Sighing you shook your head, holding your injured arm against your chest.

You felt utterly humiliated. There was no doubt, you could've fought better, but didn't want the feelings to control your movements, so you pretended to instead, completely ignoring how that would affect you in the long term.

How stupid of me. You thought.

You knew Sherlock was aware of how to get to the next part of the problem, but you seemed stuck in this one, and you hated it.

Trying to bend it, you realized how bad it hurt. You felt useless and stupid, how you could you even think of doing that? Think that Fred wouldn't attack you? He absolutely would, and did. How could you've expected anything different.

Such a dumbass.

Walking down the side of the street back home, you didn't notice how Sherlock looked towards you, how he inspected your face. He could easily tell you were upset with yourself, and yet didn't know how to respond.

John, oblivious to your tense attitude perked up from in front of you, "That man just now, was he the mastermind you were searching for?" He asked.

Sherlock perked up as he walked in front of you, catching up to John then replying, "No. Probably just one of his associates.

"Meaning, there are more." John speculated.

Once you did finally look up at both the boys to follow their conversation, you realized that Sherlock had his coat back, the one he threw dramatically on the floor. You realized that you had been in your own head for far too long and needed to come back. Being stuck in your mind was never a good thing, especially when you missed major, and important details. Not that Holmes getting his coat back was an important detail, but it suggested that you would have, had something imperative happened whilst you were distracted.

As you all walked alongside the sidewalk, lamps lit up, indicating it had started getting dark out. You really needed to start paying more attention and focusing.

You started by listening to Holmes and Watsons words more carefully, still following behind them.

"In that case, do you believe there's some sort of organization?" He asked.

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