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kai slipped his phone in his pocket before laying down on the grass beside his boyfriend. y/n smiled and quickly wrapped his arms around him while the taller's arm settled around his shoulders.

the park was surprisingly a bit empty, but the couple wasn't complaining at all. the weather was nice and the clouds were perfect to just sit and watch. occasionally someone would pass them by on the concrete path a little ways away from them, jogging or walking a dog.

kai looked over at his partner, admiring his face with a loving gaze. y/n, however, was looking up at the different shapes and forms in the clouds. kai smiled to himself before placing a gentle kiss on his temple, which made y/n finally look at him.

"you okay?" y/n asked, tightening his hold a bit. kai nodded surely.

"i'm always okay with you, love. we've only been here for like ten minutes and already this is the best day i've had in a while." he answered. y/n grinned.

"me too, honestly."

the taller's eyes fell to y/n's lips before leaning in to press his own against them softly. y/n returned the kiss happily, feeling kai's free hand now on his cheek. to kai, there was no feeling that was quite the same as kissing his boyfriend. nothing else could make the same warmth fill his chest or send butterflies loose in his stomach every time.

after their kissing session growing a little heated and basically just making out on the park's lawn, y/n pulled away, flustered.

"what if a kid walks by?.." he pointed out while looking around.

"they'll understand when they're older." kai responded jokingly, making the other roll his eyes.

y/n's view moved back to the clouds, though it was still obvious to kai that he was blushing and probably actually wanted their session to continue, but he didn't push the idea and simply laid his head on the other's. he was perfectly content as long as they were together.

"oh, by the way," kai began, making y/n look over at him again, "a lot of moas have seen pictures of you on our set. apparently they really like the content of us being together!"

y/n looked at him for a moment before replying, a bit stunned.


kai nodded, confused at his reaction.

"did you think they wouldn't?" he asked worriedly.

"no, no. i just.. i dunno, i never know what exactly to expect. i'm really glad they liked it though." y/n replied with a smile curved on his lips now. kai nodded at this, thinking for a minute.

"do you wanna walk now? i'm pretty sure there's a nice path by the river that's supposed to be really pretty." he asked. y/n nodded eagerly.

the couple got up and dusted themselves off, helping each other with the backs of their shirts that picked up a few leaves. y/n held out his hand, ready to go. the taller happily took it and intertwined their fingers before leaving their cloud gazing spot together.

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