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y/n eagerly pushed the door of the café open and looked around to find his friends and boyfriend. kai quickly waved him over to a table toward the back of the room, making the other four look over to see the entering male.

"hi, guys! hi, hyuka," y/n said sweetly as he shared a small kiss with the taller before settling into his seat. the others greeted him happily while kai took hold of his hand on top of the table. y/n's cheeks were dusted with a light pink as he smiled to himself.

"here's your drink!" kai slid the cup closer to him, to which y/n thanked him and held the cup in his free hand.

as he took a sip and set the drink back down, the others started chatting amongst themselves. y/n's eyes seemed stuck on his and kai's interlaced fingers resting in front of them. he loved how unbothered kai always seemed about showing affection in public.

"you alright, babe?" kai asked upon noticing his distracted manner. y/n's line of sight instantly shifted to the other while he nodded.

"oh yes, i'm great, hyuka," he assured with a warm smile. kai nodded at this, lifting their connected hands to place a soft kiss on y/n's own hand. his attention then went back to beomgyu, who was currently telling the group about a new band he discovered.

y/n couldn't take his eyes off of his significant other. he felt extremely lucky to have such a person in his life. constantly supported, safe, and loved. txt in addition made for some of the best friends he thought he'd ever had. that moment, in a small café with his favorite people, made every bad thought disappear and every problem in his life seem insignificant. he felt a sense of belonging through them. he felt at home.

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