Chapter 2 - Setting off

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Kiana's POV:

Road trip day

Let me tell you, WHY DID MY PARENTS WANT TO ROAD TRIP ACROSS THE COUNTRY?! Of course, they want to have a 43-hour car ride. Good thing I have headphones that can go for up to 100 hours! Music and audiobooks are gonna keep my sanity in place for the drive. Since I turned 16 a few weeks ago mom is gonna make me drive some, just perfect.

"Are you sure that's all you need for 43 hours in a car? Bathroom breaks will be every 4 hours y'know. We have people to haul all the furniture too." Mom started to hyperventilate, she began to do that a couple of months back, planning to move and everything. I walked over to mom and hugged her.

"Everything's going to be fine, you and dad have jobs there, and we have a family to support us. Everything will be perfect." I emphasized perfect, nothing can really be perfect. I dispatched from the hug and smiled at mom. I grabbed my eye patch from the bookcase that was being picked up later today and put it on.

Ever since I read that book, that book. I encountered the journal while packing and put it in my bag, I wanted to read it again, I really did, but my parents didn't. They were afraid of the eye, the hair, everything really. When I was nine I read that book and woke up with a gold patch of hair and a yellow eye, like my right eye was, and still is, all yellow with an elongated cat-like pupil.

I really started hating it at first all I would think is that it was ugly. 'Why do I have it? Why is it so ugly?' That's all I would think about it. Over the years I got used to it, about a year ago I started clashing with red and that's what made it pop. Every day now I look into the mirror and think 'It's what makes me, well, me'. I'm not wrong about it.

Well, every now and then the eye starts to bleed, but not often. I just put a tissue up to it and say I'm fine. People usually ask if I'm alright, which is just human to do, really. I don't get angry when they ask me.

"Are you okay Kiana?" I hear mom ask me, looking at me oddly, which I understand. I look at her with the most emotionless face, nod, and walk off like it was nothing. To the car I go!

Well, the 2010 suburban is holding up well after being bought brand new, my dad treats it like his child. He bought it after a promotion at work, and let me tell you it held all of us, it was definitely an upgrade from our 2001 Toyota Corolla. We still have the little thing, it's getting shipped to Oregon though.

I put the backpack on the floorboard while my dad was checking the car's oil. Nothing was really wrong with it from my perspective, but I'm not an engineer. It was a little crowded with all the stuff my dad decided to put in it, but I could handle it.

Mom hopped in the car and put her own purse on the floorboard, and dad shut the hood to the vehicle and climbed into it. He looked in the rearview and smiled at me. Smiling back I grabbed my earbuds from my bag and connected them to my phone, turning on my playlist. I looked out the window and saw the New Jersey trees fly by in a rush.

Bye Glass Shard, See You Never. A tear strolled down my face as we left my hometown, the only place I'd ever known. I smiled while I almost saw the new life ahead of me, calling out my name, and I could hear the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, calling my name.

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