House of Valedictorians

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This is graduation day Anubis style

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This is graduation day Anubis style.
We've got the caps. We've got the gowns.
We've got the Egyptian God Ra raining down his anger.

This is the day The Osirians die.

Charlie's POV

I was sitting on my bed, Kt I couldn't quite believe we were graduating today. To be honest I never thought I would make it what with everything that happened over the past two years. In those two years I had found out I had twin brother, a dad, that I was one of The Osirians and I had, had two boyfriends, if someone from the future had come up to me and said all that I would of thought they were mental. I would have thought that I was just one girl who lived with her adoptive father and had no friends, now I had friends I would have for life.

KT" Can you believe it Charlie we are graduating"

Charlie" I know right, it seems weird"

KT" I won't lie I will miss the excitement"

Charlie" You should have been here for mine and my brother's first year here, there was so much drama"

KT" Really?"

Charlie" Yeah, my brother and I found out we were Osirians and I was kidnapped with Jerome and held in a barn"

KT" Oh my god"

Fabian then pops his head in along with Kit who had turned up at Anubis House after all the chaos had happened. Apparently he was KT's twin the one who she thought had died when she was a kid. He had apparently been looking for her for two years but could never find details. He was separated from her they heard about some big prophecy but then when it turned out to be over he managed to find her. It was nice that he got to spend a year at Anubis House before graduating.

Fabian" Hey guys, you ready for breakfast, we need to get to school early Mr Sweet has an important announcement"

Kit" I'm excited to hear what it is"

Charlie" Okay, we are coming"

Fabian took my hand as we walked to school, Fabian and I had grown closer, I had met his parents and saw Jasper I had been very nervous but Fabian had assured me it was okay. His mother was so sweet and was always making me cookies and tell me how much she would be happy to me as a daughter in law, which made Fabian blush. Fabian had spent some time with Eddie, Dad and I. Both of us sat down in our seat, I couldn't believe this was the last time I would be sitting in this seat, getting books from my locker, walking those halls, it felt very surreal. Dad then entered and started setting up his books, he smiled at Fabian and I.

Dad" And exciting news! Ooh! This afternoon, you've all been invited to the Cornelian Museum, for a tour of their ancient Egypt exhibition"

I smile as Fabian fist bumps the air.

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